Chapter 13

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"Mitch!" I shout, running after him. He's faster than me, but I keep my eye on him as I run through the hospital. I finally catch up to him, waiting for an elevator, but the minute he makes eye contact with me, he takes off for the direction of the stairs.

Is he going towards the roof?

I never realized how painful running up stairs was until I run up them like I'm running for my life. Well, actually, someone else's life.

I put my hand to my pocket to make sure the letter is still there. If it's too late, and Mitch really does do this, then I can't lose the letter. If he's gone, I will reread it every single day.

At the top of the stairs, I see him opening the door to the roof. "Mitch, don't do this!" I yell, before I catch up to him.

He completely ignores me, darting through the opened door. I follow him, as he runs to the edge of the roof and steps up onto it. I'm panting for breath, and my heart is pounding so hard in my chest I think it might come out, but I don't give a shit. I will save him. Somehow.

"Didn't you read the letter, Scott?" Mitch yells at me, the wind blowing through his hair.

I watched a movie once about a girl who got bullied horribly, because of a rumor that was spread around. She tried to kill herself with pills, but that was it. Then she realized that maybe, it wasn't the best idea. She ended up being glad she didn't kill herself.

But this isn't a movie, and Mitch isn't that girl.

"Yes! I did!" I shout back.

"Then you know that you can save me from Travis and all the bullies, but not for myself! You can stop them from hurting me, but you can't stop me from hurting myself! Just give it up, please!" He sounds desperate. I pinch the bridge of my noise. Fuck. It's true. Mitch has to fight his own battle.

"And if drag me away from this roof, I swear Scott, I will find some way. I can't go on living. I've dealt with this for too long.

I know you're taking it personally," he continues, "but don't. I love you. You're the first person besides Kirstie that I've truly been able to open up to. I know it may not look that way, but it's true. I trust you Scott, and I trust you to let me do this."

I'm silent. What's in it for me? He gets to escape the world, but I get to have a dead boyfriend in the mix of my already fucked up life. Just two more weeks until Maddie turns eighteen, and then we can leave.

"If you love me, you won't save me. You'll let me do this." His voice is quieter, but I can still hear it.

I feel tears forming in my eyes as I walk over to him. He has to bend down to meet my lips, but it's worth it. I pull away slightly, so our lips are just centimeters away. "I do. I love you, Mitch."

He smiles and kisses a tear away. "Thank you. So much. I love you, Scott Richard Hoying."

And he jumps.

I walk back to the door and down the stairs. I can't hear anything over the ringing in my ears, and I can't see because my vision is so blurry with tears.

When I walk back to where everyone is, they all look at me with hope. But one look and they know. They break down.

I know as soon as I get home, I'm going to crack. But not now. Not in front of everyone.

Kirstie hugs me, tight, and sobs against my chest. I bury my face in her hair and close my eyes. His last words echo in my ears, his last words, directed at me:

"I love you, Scott Richard Hoying."

A/N: ouch. That's all I can say.

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