blog diaries- my second blog :/

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Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in really really long, and i just wanted to tell you guys that I've been on a camp. It was so amazing and i want to tell you'll all about it. This blog is just gonna be all about camp, and basically one particular experience during it.

okay so basically, on the the last day of camp everyone was obviously all sad because we were together for a whole month! and were really gonna be (kinda) lost w/o eachother... i love the friends i made at camp, everyone was just so amazing and made me feel loved and wanted, it was literally the best four weeks of my life.

anyways, coming back to the story. the last activity that we did was this thing where we all got some paper, and had to write one good experience, and one bad experience (separately). then we all put them in two separate bags, and had to pick another sheet from each bag. now, we each had to write an answer to the person, like something nice or maybe some advice (all of this was anonymous). then we put them back in the bags, and again picked new sheets and read them out so all experiences and answers were now anonymous.


the most shocking stuff start now. i was legitimately crying, listening to some of the responses. there were some normal one's like "i really miss my deceased grandpa" and like "im really scared about getting into a good University" but some others were a little deeper. there were responses that really really made me sad.

three people at my camp had been raped/ sexually assaulted

i was so upset. every single person was amazing, and didn't even have one butter bone in them. i was pissed that amazing, harmless people were being hurt in such a terrible way. the worst part is that it was anonymous, so i couldn't even talk to the people and make them feel better or anything. i was useless. tears flowed down my cheeks. infact, not just mine, but everyone. we were broken.

but, the good news is that the whole camp was really considerate, and empathetic and we helped eachother grow into one big family.

this chapter/ blog was just to kind of bring an awareness about real, important matters like rape and any verbal or physical sexual assaults need to brought to the attention of everyone. it is important to speak up for yourself and loved ones around you.

always help people that need help, dont ignore small problems, and more importantly stay strong.

i love you guys, and really hope you get the message from this blog.

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