project partners

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Jiwoo was stunned to say the least. She couldn't see any reasons someone as popular and happy and beautiful as Sooyoung would want to partner up with her. She was just plain old Kim Jiwoo.

"You? Partner with me?" Jiwoo asked.

Sooyoung smiled at the shorter girl. "Yes, partner with you. I always partner with the same people, and you know, after a while you just feel like working with someone else." She explained.

Jiwoo smiled back a little, even though inside she was so excited and nervous she was trying hard to contain it. "Yeah, I'm like that sometimes too. And sure, I'll partner with you."

"Great!" Sooyoung exclaimed, "Come have a seat with me at my desk." She led Jiwoo over to her desk, and pulled up an extra chair for her.

Jiwoo took the seat, and asked Sooyoung, "So do you already have any ideas in your head?"

"Actually," Sooyoung started, "Yes I do, but if you don't like it that's fine, we can come up with something else."

"I'm sure it's a great idea, let me hear it." Jiwoo leaned in closer to Sooyoung to hear her better.

"Okay," Sooyoung started, "There's these four girls in Eden, trying hard to obey the rules of their strict god, but the girls are unhappy with Eden. One girl finds a path out of Eden, so she shares it with one of the girls, and then that girl shares it with another. But they don't share it with the fourth girl, because they think she's too good and obeying for their plan. The girls escape Eden, leaving the fourth girl behind on her own."

Jiwoo looked at her in amazement, "Wow, I don't even know what to say to that. Where did you get that idea from?"

Sooyoung shrugged her shoulders, "Don't know, it's just something I thought of."

"If you came up with that on your own, you have an amazing imagination."

Sooyoung smiled, oh god, her infectious smile. Jiwoo couldn't help but smile too, blushing lightly.

"Thanks, I've never heard anyone say that before, shall we start writing?" Sooyoung took out a pencil and a sheet of loose leaf from a notebook.

Jiwoo did the same, grabbing one of her own pencils and sheets of loose leaf. "Yeah, sounds good."

After the hour was almost up, Sooyoung finished her short story, and Jiwoo was on her last couple of sentences. Jiwoo finished up after a few minutes.

"I'm finished mine now, do you want to read over it now?" Jiwoo asked.

Sooyoung looked over at Jiwoo, "Yeah, that sounds good, here's mine." She handed Jiwoo her sheets, and Jiwoo handed Sooyoung her's.

Jiwoo read through the first page, and wow. Sooyoung was a great writer, everything flowed nicely, and she was very descriptive with her words. She turned it over to the next page, then the next, until she was all finished. Sooyoung was just finishing up too.

"Hey, you're a really good writer, I love your writing style." Sooyoung said to Jiwoo. Jiwoo felt her cheeks getting hot, oh god.

"Thanks! I do write on my spare time." Jiwoo replied.

"Oh really?" Sooyoung asked, "What kind of stuff?"

Jiwoo froze, it was mostly her love letters, but what was she supposed to say? "I write love letters because I'm hopelessly in love with you but I don't want to give them to you because you're out of my league"??

"Oh, it's mostly just random short stories and poems." Jiwoo responded.

Sooyoung smiles at her once again, "I'd love to see some of your other work sometime. By the way, I didn't get your name."

"It's Jiwoo, Kim Jiwoo."

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song recommendation: girl's talk

YES I KNOW the prompt is basically the premise of the Love4Eva music video but I don't care. I thought it was a cool parallel to include also I'm not creative with writing prompts.

But look! They're interacting!

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