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·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。*  +   *  ・ 。☆͙  ☆   *

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·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。*  +   *  ・ 。☆͙  ☆   *

Jiwoo took the sheet and unfolded it. It was the letter she had torn up, now all taped together by Sooyoung.

Jiwoo's eyes began to well up with tears, and she eventually just broke down. "I'm sorry... if I knew you liked the letter I wouldn't have torn it up. That was just an impulsive thing, I'm so sorry—" she was cut off by Sooyoung wrapping her arms around Jiwoo, bringing her into a hug.

"No.. Jiwoo it's okay, you don't need to apologize. It was a wonderful letter and I love it, no matter what condition it's in."

Jiwoo returned the sudden hug, and  her head fell against Sooyoung's shoulder, and they just stayed like that for a while. Jiwoo could admit, she liked the hug. Sooyoung's embrace and flowery scent were comforting.

After what could've been 30 seconds, or 5 minutes, Jiwoo heard Sooyoung's voice.

"Jiwoo..." she started, "Was the stuff you wrote in that letter true? Did you mean all of that?"

Jiwoo moved her head, so that she was looking up at Sooyoung. "Yes, I meant every word. I'm falling for you Ha Sooyoung, but if you don't feel the same way, I understand."

"Jiwoo, I think..." Sooyoung's voice trailed off for a second, "I think I might be getting feelings for you too."

Jiwoo looked straight into Sooyoung's eyes, "If you're just lying to make me feel better, then don't bother."

"No Jiwoo, I think I'm actually falling for you, for real."

"Are you being completely serious?"

"Yes I am Jiwoo."

Jiwoo stood up, and pulled Sooyoung with her. She placed her hands on the taller girl's shoulders, and took a deep breath.

"Sooyoung, I want to be with you. I want to be completely honest after everything, and the honest truth is, I want to be with you. I know this is such a cliche thing to do right now, but Ha Sooyoung, will you be mine?"

Sooyoung stood there for a second, she didn't think Jiwoo would be so straightforward, but she knew her answer.

Jiwoo couldn't help but smile, staring deeply into Sooyoung's eyes, illuminated by the moonlight. She then looked down to her lips, they were already so close, it wouldn't hurt to just-

Before Jiwoo could plant a kiss on Sooyoung's lips, Sooyoung beat her to it. She closed the gap between their faces in an instant.

The kids was slow and sweet, but enjoyable for the two girls. Sooyoung pulled away, and Jiwoo replanted her lips right back onto Sooyoung's. The second kiss was deeper, more passionate than the last.

They both pulled away, and Sooyoung gave Jiwoo one last soft kiss on her cheek.

"Yes Kim Jiwoo, I'll be yours."

·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。*  +   *  ・ 。☆͙  ☆   *

song recommendation: FavOriTe

And we're done! This is the last chapter, it's a bit shorter than the others, but at least it's here!

I would've updated sooner, but I was camping and the service wasn't the best.

I hope you guys enjoyed this story, because I definitely enjoyed writing it!

I didn't even really think anyone would read it, but what do you know, people did, and they liked it!

I just wanna say, thanks to the people that read this, and voted, I appreciate it!

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