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Jiwoo basically spent the whole weekend sulking, and managed to fake being sick on Monday. It was now Monday evening, and Jiwoo was laying in bed, which was basically what she had been doing most of the weekend.

She opened Instagram on her phone, and for once, the first post wasn't about the love letter fiasco, it was a post by Sooyoung.

Sooyoung had never said anything about that whole situation. She may have been embarrassed, because Jiwoo was sure it would've been embarrassing for Sooyoung too. Or maybe she just wanted to stay out of it, which Jiwoo was fine with, she can see why she'd want to do that.

This post had nothing to do with that, it was just a collection of a few selfies. This was normal for Sooyoung, and Jiwoo couldn't help but look through them. She had been trying to keep Sooyoung off her mind, but it wasn't working well.

Jiwoo could admit, the pictures were beautiful, just like any that Sooyoung took. Jiwoo sighed and sat up in her bed.

Like she often does, Jiwoo decided to go for a walk, to try and get her mind off of everything that has been happening lately.

She quietly slipped downstairs, grabbed her sweater, and pulled her shoes on. She fixed her hair a little, and then headed outside.

The sun was starting to set, so the street looked quite pretty in the pink haze. She walked downtown, just like she did last time, but this time headed to a coffee shop. It was basically empty, because it was starting to get a bit late.

Jiwoo ordered a small cappuccino, and sat inside the coffee shop to drink it. She scrolled through her phone while she drank, and there weren't many updates on her social media. Thankfully, none about the love letter situation, hopefully people were starting to get over it.

She finished her coffee, and decided to head to the nearby park. It was a lovely open field, with a cute little stream and bridge, some gardens, and all the stuff you'd expect at a town park.

Jiwoo wandered a path that lead to the bridge, and circled the gardens. She liked the scenery, and took a few pictures. She'd post those on Instagram later.

As she was walking, she noticed another girl, walking the path in her direction. At first, she didn't think much of it, but as the girl got closer, Jiwoo started to recognize the girl's features.

It was Sooyoung.

Jiwoo kept her head down, in an attempt to not be noticed by Sooyoung, but of course, because Jiwoo's luck has just been wonderful lately.

"Jiwoo?" She heard Sooyoung's voice in front of her on the darkening path.

"Sooyoung, why are you here?" Jiwoo stepped a little closer, "You must be embarrassed to be around me now."

Sooyoung also took a step closer, "Why would you ever think that? And I just wanted to say," Sooyoung tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear, "I'm sorry for everything that's been happening to you lately."

"I appreciate that, but none of this is your fault." Jiwoo replied. "I kind of just wanna forget that whole situation ever happened."

"Well, since you want to forget it, I won't dwell on this much, but I actually really liked that letter."

Jiwoo's head perked up, "You... you did?"

She couldn't see that well in the dark, but she could make out a smile on Sooyoung's face. "Yes I did. I think it's so well written, and so sweet."

Jiwoo smiles for what felt like the first time in days. "Thank you Sooyoung."

"Speaking of that, I wanted to return this to you, I found it in the bathroom." Sooyoung took something out of her pocket.

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song recommendation: new

The story is almost over, one more chapter left!

I told you it would start to lighten up, the next chapter will be happy.

I might do an author's note or something at the end.

But yeah, what do you guys think of this chapter?

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