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Y/n's POV

"His name is Josh." I smiled. Jerry's last name is Dun. Maybe his cousin was Josh Dun.

"What time will your friends be here?"

"7 or 8." I quickly reply.

"Well Josh will be here around 5-6. We'll order pizza. This is the only time you will be allowed to eat. Understand me?"

"Yes, sir." I started shaking. I hate yelling.

He left me alone for a bit. I went to my room and sat.

Why can't I just die... I thought to myself.

I'd been living with Jerry for about 3 months, since my family died in a car crash. Jerry makes my biological family look like saints. They weren't the best, but Jerry is downright awful.

I curled into a ball. I started crying, I was overwhelmed and was overthinking. I decided it'd be best to put on my calming playlist, which had four TØP songs.

1. Lovely
2. Friend, Please
3. Truce
4. Goner

I cried. I sobbed actually, but it made me feel better. I got sleepy and decided it'd be best to go to sleep.

I woke up to pounding on my door.

"Fucktard wake up, it's 4:30!" I groaned and got up to stretch. I readjusted my shirt and pants. I put on black socks and my black converse. I opened my door only to be greeted by Jerry.

"Let me set some rules... 1. Don't mention anything negative about life here. 2. Be nice. 3. Don't object or talk back. 4. Don't be annoying, got it?" Alcohol still laced his breath.

"Yes, sir." Right after I said that, the doorbell rang.

"They're here. Go to the living room. I get the door."

I did as he said and sat stiffly on the couch. I heard him open up the door and his voice changed dramatically.

"Josh, my man, what's up?" He said, almost like a 16 year old would.

"Nothing much, just started a new tour." I froze. That voice sounded too familiar. And a tour. There's no way.

"This is my bandmate, Tyler and his wife Jenna. We have a show here tomorrow, then we're off." I was mentally flipping out. Was it really Josh Dun?

"Well come in, its starting to get cold. And also you can meet Y/n!" Jerry was a whole new person...

"I can't wait!" Another familiar voice spoke up.

"Well then, let's go!" Jerry said.

They walked into to living room.

"Guys, this is Y/n. Y/n, Josh, Tyler and Jenna." HOLY SHIT IT WAS THEM.

I stood up to shake their hands. I was trying to remain calm, but on the inside I was dying.

"Y/n." I smiled.

"I see you know who we are?" Josh spoke up, after looking at my shirt.

"Yeah." He engulfed me in a hug with now warning. I flinched because a. It scared me because Jerry always hurt me and I was covered in painful bruises. But I hugged back. I let go first.

"No offense Jerry, but can the four of us have time alone to get to know Y/n? Tyler and Jenna and I might adopt her, so I'd want to get to know her." I smiled. (A/n idk if that's how custody works and whatnot but role with it for the story)

"Yeah of course." He said, trying to sound happy.

"We can go to my room." I quietly offered.

"Okay!" Josh said enthusiastically.

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