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Elise closes the door behind her and leans against it, letting out a breath. She drops her purse on the floor and lets herself slide down to the floor still leaning against the door. She rests her arms on her knees while she leans her head on the palms of her hands. 'Fuck. I'm in so much trouble right now. Why did you have to go and fall for your best friend, you're such a loser! The moment she gets in a relationship I just had to get hit by a fucking freight train of emotions. Why now?! Why not years earlier! Is it because she is unavailable now that I find it more attractive, the thrill of having someone that is forbidden grounds now or something?'
"Oh for crying out loud.. what the fuck is happening right now!" She takes another deep breath and gets up grabbing her purse in the process and pulls out her phone.

23:22 Elise: Hey Nat, I just
got home. Had a great time
today! Super tired though
and you're probably getting
ready for bed anyway so i'll
talk to you tomorrow! Xx

She walks into her bedroom and places her phone on her dresser, plugging it into the charger. Grabbing herself pajama pants and a tank top from the dresser she walks into the bathroom. She decides to take a quick shower, knowing it always helps her calm her thoughts and make her see things more clearly. It didn't work tonight though, the sound of the shower didn't drown out all of the thoughts that were floating around in her mind, they only seemed to become louder. It got to the point where she only got more angry with herself for being in this situation. 'I just need some time to let all this dust settle, not thinking about Natasha in that way. That's all. These feelings will fade.. eventually. And everything will be back to normal.'

It's about 20 minutes later when she got out of the shower and got ready for the night, she put on her pajama and walked back into her bedroom. Out of habit she checked her phone knowing that only one person would've texted her at this hour. 'Hm nothing... That's- she always texts me back, no matter what time!'  She puts her phone back down and walks towards her bed and lies down after turning off the light on her night stand. 'She probably already fell asleep waiting for my text or something.'

She then closes her eyes to let herself drift off to sleep, only to open them up wide again taking in a sharp breath. 'What if she's still there, with Natasha... and they're... Oh fuck! I can't think of that right now. I feel sick to my stomach now. The thought of them... It's killing me.'

She tosses and turns in her bed, changing sides in the hopes it would make the thoughts stop, it doesn't. The urge to check her phone became more as time went by hoping that Natasha had texted her back. She sits up in her bed, looking at the dresser where her phone is. "You're pathetic, Bauman. You know this right?" 'There is a 50/50 percent chance that she texted you back. So either she texted you back and you can fall asleep with a beautiful sense of false relief, pretending your little mental breakdown just now never happened OR she hasn't texted you back and you will probably be tossing and turning and counting sheep for the rest of the night.'

After thinking it over for two whole seconds she all but jumps off the bed and gets to her dresser to grab her phone. She sighs. "So much for letting the dust settle." Afraid to look at her phone she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Just do it.." She lets the screen light up by pressing her home button and then opens one eye to check if she got a message. "Yes!" Now both eyes are open and she starts reading it.

23:45 Natasha: Hey, good
to know. Thanks for today
too, monkey! It means a lot
to me. If you want we can
hang out tomorrow? Eve
just went home so if you
want we could go for a run
in the morning? Followed by
breakfast that is =D Xx

"Oh thank God!" She lets out a breath she didn't knew she was holding in and plopped back down on the bed in starfish mode with a relieved smile. Only the first part of the message seemed to register with her. "Fuck.. I didn't think I would be this relieved." She runs her hands through her hair. 'She went home...'  Then the second part sinks in, "Wait, what?!"

Miss Brightside (Negovanman)Where stories live. Discover now