Father dearest

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Eve's POV

When I was little my life turned upside-down. The flare changed everything, my poor mother tried the best she could to control the virus in her but in the end of course she lost. My father, a man who always had a very stone cold face was forced to watch over me and my brother. He taught us how to fend for ourselves, because we all knew he wasn't going to make it much longer. My father cared but he was exhausted, exhausted from watching the people around him die. Exhausted from watching his beloved wife decompose into a horrible monster. Exhausted from being burdened with two children I don't think he ever wanted. That much exhaustion makes you go crazy.

Lucas, my older brother watch over me. He was only 2 years older but I felt safe with him. He would shied me from dads wrath and always come to me after as if nothing happened. He was tall and a little thick, not fat, but a muscular built. His personality was similar to my dads, where he was impulsive but always wanted to do the right thing. And even though he sometimes had remorse, he would never show it.

My father became more and more harsh. And Lucas and I thought the same thing, he caught the flare and was going to turn into a savage. But it was worse, my father didn't turn crazy because of the flare but, because his brain couldn't handle it anymore. One night. One of the worst nights I could ever remember. My father lost it, I walk into our small makeshift house to find him screaming and throwing our small amount of possessions around. Rambling about how my mother left him, the flare, the horrible and painful deaths we are all going to be afflicted too. How he must end it all before the flare does. And it happens. He pulls a knife out and comes to me, my scared 6 year old self is locked into place with pure terror. He grabs my shirt and tells me to close my eyes and everything will be over soon. Just close my eyes and dad will take care of everything.

He pulls me up to my toes, and I can't escape. I'm going to die. I close my eyes and tears run down my face and I plead to my own father that I don't want to die. And by the grace of god, Lucas heard my wishes. There was a wet thud and I open my eyes to see Lucas standing over father with a shovel. He hits him for a second and then a third time. Terror in his eyes.
"Eve" he says as he pulls me into a hug "grab your nap sack and put anything that fits in it. Clothes, food whatever. We need to leave"

And just like that Lucas and I, two kids, leave.

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