Waking up

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Newts POV

I feel my blood boiling inside my body, my veins expanding and my brain changing. Losing my control, my thoughts and my instincts. I feel myself becoming less human, less alive. After we found Minho, I knew everything was going to be alright, even if I wasn't apart of it. And I knew that last simi-man hung we did was going to be the last Hug. I knew my life was going to end, if I ended it or someone else did. I couldn't become a monster. A monster other families are scared of, a monster that will hurt other people like me. And when that knife went into my chest I knew it was for the best. It was Tommy screaming, shaking me to respond. But I was content knowing they were going to be okay. Tommy, Gally, Minho and the others won't have to live in fear anymore.

I apparently "knew" all these things. But it's not how it turned out.

I thought I was dead. All that was going on in my mind was the last few moments before it went dark. My body changing. How I pointed a gun at my head. Tommy trying to save me. The Knife entering my body. And my eyes closing. The screams. The horrible, bloody screams. Screaming and screaming. Getting louder and louder. High pitched, continuing screams. Even though I'm covering my ears I hear there screams. Screaming my name. Begging me to wake up. And I do.

I shot up, unable to catch my breath and in pain. I check my surroundings. I'm laying on a mattress with a blanket on top, with a dim light casting above me, the smell of moisture and feet. The mattress I lay on was in a small open  room containing a mixture of things. Blankets, towels, boxes with who-knows-what in them. How am I alive? Was the only question going in my mind. Am I alive? Or is this what happens when you die? No I can't be dead. This place looks too— real. I pull back the blanket to uncover my half naked body. The only thing left on me was my boxers and a large bandage covering my stab wound. How is this possible?

I try and stand but it's impossible, I'm light headed and weak. I'm helpless (which is one of my least favorite feelings) and I tug at my heart makes me wonder if tommy and Minho brought me here and if In a few moments they'll appear. But Time went by and nothing happened. How long has it been since I woke up? And hour? Maybe two? My stomach growls. And I attempt to get to once more. Another failure. There's a door directly across the room, which looks like the only way to get out.

Groaning I prop my body up and try to scoot off the mattress to the door. Before I could get far I hear and loud bang and multiple locks. Heavy foot steps coming from the door across the room and a light became visible underneath the door. Gally? Minho? Please let it be them. The door knob twist and it wasn't my friends who appeared on the opposite side of the door. Instead it was a girl. A stunning girl.

"Looks like your alive and awake" the mystery girl talks as she drops her bags and put her gun on top "I'm eve"

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