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Jay looked up as he heard the front door open and smiled as Ashling entered and sat down on the couch beside him. "You're early, the party doesn't start for another half hour."

She shrugged and grinned back. "So? I didn't have any classes today, Logan canceled history for some reason; so I came here!"

"My dad still setting up in the backyard with Scott and Jean, I'm sure they won't mind if we start eating some of the snacks they put out early." He stood up before catching a glimpse of his cousin walking around back. "...Great, he's here."

"Of course he is! Pharuph is your cousin, he probably had to come." She laughed before letting him lead her out the back door. "So, where's your mom at?"

"She had to go speak to Professor Xavier about taking some time off." Jay shrugged and looked at the ground. "Apparently I'm going to be an older brother soon..."

"That's great!" Ashling grabbed his shoulders and jumped up and down excitedly. "I bet that's going to be fun! I wonder if they'll have a combination of your parents' mutations as well..."

He rolled his eyes. "It's going to be a nightmare. All the crying baby stuff and then I have to be the 'mature' role model."

"Hey, it can't be all bad. Bet you'll be a great older brother. I can't wait to tell Angeni too! She'll love to help you baby sit!"

Jay scoffed and grabbed a plate before walking over to some chips. "I doubt that."

His cousin walked over and smirked. "Doubt what?"


"Wow, you are going to be the worst sibling with that attitude. Glad I don't have to live with you."

"That makes two of us." He muttered.

Pharzuph glared at him before turning around as Jean called him over to help. With a final glance in Jay's direction he walked off. Ashling nudged him. "Don't listen to him. You know he just likes picking on you."


Jay wasn't sure how but he'd managed to survive the rest of the party with Pharzuph there but somehow he did. It was actually fun and he was almost sad to watch everyone leave. He looked over his shoulder as he began walking inside. The backyard was covered in a red-orange glow from the setting sun and an odd feeling washed over him. Everything was so peaceful yet... it felt like something should've happened or that something was missing...

He shook his head and dismissed it. It was just the fact the day had been so busy. Jay heard his mother call for him and started walking again. "I'm coming!"

His father smiled over at him as he shut the sliding glass door behind him. "Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah." Jay nodded. "It was great!"

"Well don't forget tomorrow you still have classes." His mother looked back at him from the couch. "Don't stay up too late."

"It's not that late now Mom." He half rolled his eyes. "...But I'll get to bed soon..."

He glanced outside one last time before going to his room. Whatever he felt like he was forgetting wasn't going to be out there. Everything had been cleaned up and brought inside. Maybe he'd remember later.

Well this is the end of this book and the Conflicting Powers series. 

I hope you enjoyed it and if you'd like any one-shots you can ask for them over in My Marvel Fanfic One-shots!

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