Chapter 3

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Voices whispered through the deep black fog that seemed to be the only thing Jay was aware of, he didn’t know if he was dead, and if he was he wondered where his parents were, or if he was still dying. Ether way he didn’t like being trapped in this. Jay wanted to find his friends, maybe they had come back for him finally, but then as he thought deeper on that would he have wanted them to come back? If they had, had they met their deaths similar to his and his parents? He wanted to scream in frustration, why was he stuck in the void between life and death? The silence was killing him, occasionally voices would whisper from what seemed like they were close by but the undertone whisper sounded impossibly far away. No matter how hard he tried listening to what they were saying he could only make out a word or two, mostly things like ‘dead’ or need to leave’, otherwise the noise was just something else this emptiness seemed to torture him with.

            Jay eventually found what he thought was a pattern with the voices and began trying to keep time with when the whispering came and when it stopped. As the time began to build up he would feel shocks of pain flash through him but no matter how much he wanted to scream he couldn’t, the darkness had swallowed him and now all he wished for was to die. He no longer cared about waking up, he didn’t even know if he wanted to. All this time of being left with nothing but his mind for company images of the robots killing off his friends and remaining family haunted him. If he woke up he was afraid that what he’d thought of had come true… to him it was better to die than know that he couldn’t save his friends by just leaving with them in the first place… like he’d been told to.

            “…Still not responsive?” Jay heard the whispering start again and strained to hear the conversation.


            “…It’s been…” The first voice faded out and Jay felt like shouting in frustration. How long had he been like this? At least he knew people where with him but did they know who he was? Did they even care?

            “So many dead… leave?”

            “If…not… tomorrow.” The first voice agreed.

            A new whisper joined them; this one seemed to waver in sadness. “…Fast enough… dead… because… me.”

            “Not yet… still a chance…” The first voice comforted.

            Jay could tell they were talking about him, it was always ether that or the death counts from what he could hear. Nether conversation choices seemed good to him but at least he knew they were a bit concerned for him… whoever they were. The voices quieted down to a lower whisper and Jay mentally sighed; soon it would be the unbearable silence again. Pain shout through his so suddenly that if Jay had been able to stand up he would’ve collapsed onto the ground, the voices suddenly got louder until they were shouting, more pain clouded his thoughts until finally, what seemed like an eternity later, everything went away. He couldn’t hear anything but after a few seconds he realized he could feel a cold metal table beneath him, the darkness he’d been trapped in seemed to lift until it was a gray and finally turned into a blinding white light.

            “Jay!” He heard someone scream his name and grunted in pain as they wrapped their arms around his neck.

            “Angeni let go of him.” A male’s voice ordered calmly. “He needs time to fully wake up.”

            “Sorry Professor.” Angeni apologized and gently let go of him.

            Jay blinked a couple more times as his eyes finished adjusting to the light before speaking in a raspy voice. “Angeni, is that you?”

            “Yeah… Jay, we didn’t think you were going to make it.” Turning his head slightly to see her revealed tear filled eyes.

            Jay didn’t know what to say so he just nodded and sat up with her help. “How long was I… unconscious?”

            Professor Xavier cleared his throat to get his attention. “You were out for almost a month. We had to move our location several times to prevent being found and some of the others suggested giving up hope… but your friends and cousin can be very stubborn.”

            “So they’re alive?” Jay couldn’t quite comprehend what he was hearing. He was in a coma for almost a month? And why did they have to keep moving?

            Xavier gave him a small smile. “I have been able to keep you from dying and Bobby and several of his friends suggested trying to force you awake but I explained that it could do more harm than good.”

            Storm came in like she’d known he was awake, and X probably had told her, and gave him a sad look. “I think you can figure out the constant moving part right?”

            Jay looked down at his bandaged chest and nodded; if the robots could track down a small gathering just think of what they’d done when they found the school. Not long after Storm arrived the others made their way in, most of them were covered in various cuts and bandages for the more major wounds, Ashling and Pharzuph joined Angeni beside him.

            “So what happened after you left that day?” Jay eventually asked.

            “Well we ran into the Professor’s room to tell him, but of course he’d already read our minds, so he sent Wolverine, Jean, and my father to help… My father was about to teleport to your location when the school was attacked…” Angeni trembled from the memory. “T-the Sentinels started to kill off everyone! So they stayed to help protect us… eventually it was too much though…”

            Ashling took over the story before Angeni could continue. “By the time we got to safety Nightcrawler had been killed along with Rogue. Pyro made it out badly wounded but the robots followed us… for once he decided not to be his arrogant selfish self and sacrificed himself to give us more time to escape.”

            “Angeni, I-I’m so sorry.” Jay consoled his friend.

            “I’m fine… at least I still have my mom…” Angeni whimpered.

            Pharzuph took his turn to tell Jay the story. “By the time we were safe most of us were exhausted, Angeni was in half shock from seeing her father die but managed to take Logan and Jean to help you… they came back an hour later with your body… We all thought you were dead at first like your parents. Your spine had been shifted out of place and you’d lost so much blood…”

            “Xavier saved you though!” Ashling grinned. “You’ve been in a coma ever since though until today.”

            Cyclops walked over to them and Jay was grateful the visor prevented him from seeing the look on his uncle’s face; he didn’t want anymore sad or pitied looks. “Logan said he saw someone approaching… be prepared to leave if we have to.”  


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