Chapter 12

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Peter was on the mat waiting for his first opponent. The others were arguing about who he would fight first. It was quite funny for Peter, as no one wanted to fight him alone.

Bucky was picked, which was great for Peter because he had a plan. He would get Bucky on his side, so it will be a 2v9, then Steve would join because he wouldn't want to fight Bucky. That would make it a 3v8, and hopefully more people will join their side.

Bucky walked to the mat and got into fighting position.

"James." Peter said as he also got into fighting position.

"Watch it, I'm like 80 years older than you."

"K." Peter smirked. "Old man."

Bucky's face turned into a frown. He was about to say a snarky reply but got cut off.

"Okay! Ready?" Tony interrupted.

Peter and Bucky were about to reply, but they got cut off, again.

"Doesn't matter. 321 Go!" Tony said quickly.

Peter and Bucky walked in a circle, waiting for the other to attack first.

"Wow, this is soooo interesting, not." Clint was getting impatient.

Bucky pounced towards Peter, only to have his legs webbed. He was tossed up into the air. He landed on the ground with a grunt. Peter flipped over him, and webbed his metal arm to the ground.

"Rule #1: Always pay attention." Peter said, rubbing his hands together.

An arrow flew past him, and he grabbed it and threw it back at Clint. "That's all you got, Katniss?"

Clint quick-fired, sending 10 arrows towards Peter. Peter dodged most of them, purposely having one graze him.

Peter fell to the ground, holding his side. "Ouchie!"

Everyone, except Bucky and Clint ran towards him. Bucky was stuck to the ground and Clint was too shocked to move.

Everyone was asking Peter if he was okay. Peter ignored all of their questions, and threw a web grenade towards a shocked Clint. "Rule #2: Watch for sneak attacks."

All the standing Avengers backed away from Peter and huddled up to figure out who will go next. Peter took this opportunity to talk to Bucky. "Hey oldie. Wanna team up?"

"Will you let me out?"

"Well, no shit, Sherlock. How would you help me if I didn't?"

Bucky pondered about Spidey's offer for a moment. "Fine, only because I want to get out though."

Peter rolled his eyes and cut the webs around Bucky with a pocket knife, that he conveniently had in his suit. "Go get Clint on our side. We need Katniss."

Bucky quietly got up and walked to Clint and told him the plan. He got Clint out of the pile of webbing, and they stood there, waiting for a moment of attack.

Peter waited on the mat for the next opponent. Nat walked up. "GO SPIDER MAMA!!" Tony yelled.

Nat rolled her eyes and started to fight Peter. Peter blocked her punches and kicks, and returned a few, only to get them blocked. Peter glanced over at Clint and Bucky and gave them a look that said 'Go!'.

Nat was about to throw a punch in Peter's direction, only to get stopped by a metal arm. She looked up to see Bucky.

Clint kicked her legs out from under her, and Natasha fell to the ground. Peter then webbed her arms and legs to the ground.

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