Chapter 18

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Peter woke up after 6 hours, and his head still pounded. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. At least it's not as bad.

Peter stood up, and stretched, getting all the tight muscles in his body a tad bit looser. Peter grabbed some headphones and put them in, just to block out some of the sounds he is hearing. He walked out of his room, and was met with bright lights.

Peter groaned again and closed his eyes. "Friday can you dim the lights?" Friday didn't answer, but the lights were dimmed.

Peter groggily walked to the kitchen, where the rest of the team were. He mumbled a 'hello' and got a few responses.

Peter sat down, and put his head down, trying to calm his senses. "Peter, can you tell us what happened?" Tony said quietly, which sounded like normal talking for Peter.

"Oh right." Peter lifted his head off the table. "So there was a house fire, and a kid and his mom were inside so I helped them."

"That explains the burns." Tony noted.

"Yeah, but they are pretty much healed now. Anyway, so after I got them out, I went to a rooftop. Then Stane and his sidekick, Harry Osborne, showed up and said that they wanted me, and I was like 'no' so I tried to web away, but then the old dude got this thingy out and it was high pitched and it caused me to go into sensory overload. Fun."

"He said he wanted you?" Steve asked, and Peter nodded. "Okay, so do you guys think he wanted Peter specifically, or just one of us?"

Everyone thought for a minute. "He first went for all of us by copying Tony's design, so I would say he wants to get any of us." Nat said.

Everyone silenced agreed. "Safest option is to try to find him and stop him before he can do anything." Steve replied.

"So, any ideas how to catch him?" Peter asked.

"We could ask Shield?"

"Patrol for him?"

"Get in groups and search?"

Everyone said an idea or two and after 5 minutes, the ideas ran out. "So Cap, what should we do?" Peter asked, waiting to go back to sleep.

"I say, we go out in groups of three and look for any signs. Tony can track him and hack into any databases to find him." Everyone nodded their heads, agreeing to the plan. "Also, because we don't know if Stane is just after Peter or after all of us, there will be a new rule. If you leave the house, you have to be with at least one other person." Everyone nodded, with a few groans here and there.

The team set up groups to search for Stane. The first group being Tony, Steve, and Sam. Peter quickly left, changed into some boxers, and went to bed.


Abandoned Warehouse

Stane was working on a new and improved suit when Harry came in. "Boss?" Harry whispered.

"Harry! Come here, I got a surprise for you!" Stane looked up from his suit and gave the boy a smile.

Harry walked over to where Stane was standing. "Okay, close your eyes and put your hands out!" Stane said with a sheepish smile.

Harry gave a small smile and did what his boss said to do. A moment later, Harry felt fabric being placed in his hands. Harry opened his eyes. "You got me a suit!?" Harry asked, surprised.

"Of course, Harry. You showed me you could fight and this helps protect you more. Do you like it?"

"I love it, thank you!" Harry's smile grew bigger. Stane patted his shoulder.

"Great, now can you do me a favor?" Harry's smile faded slightly. "It's not a big favor, can you figure out some of Spider-Man's enemies and try to locate them? We only need one more."

"Sure thing boss." Harry said, turning to the door.

"I'll work on some weapons for you in the meantime."

Harry turned and smiled. "Thank you!"


Next Morning

Peter woke up, feeling more refreshed. His head still hurt, but felt only like a light migraine. He walked to his bathroom, and took a handful of aspirin.

He brushed his hair and teeth, and walked back to his bed. He picked up his phone and noticed the time. 7:54AM Tuesday. Peter panicked and quickly grabbed his backpack and ran out the room.

Tony was in the kitchen making pancakes. "TONY I'M GONNA BE LATE!" Peter  grabbed an apple and ran to the elevator. "Come on!"

"You aren't going to school today, relax." Tony said while smiling.

"What? Why?" Peter asked, confused.

"You aren't going until Stane is caught. Steve, Sam, and I couldn't find anything. Steve made that rule once you left."

"Oh." Peter relaxed and went to the counter and waited for the pancakes to be finished.

"You weren't even ready for school. Why did you rush me?" Tony asked, laughing.

"What do you mean?" Peter was once again confused.

Tony brought his attention to Peter, and raised an eyebrow. "Look at yourself."

Peter looked down, and noticed he was wearing nothing but boxers. His face blushed red. Tony laughed. "Go get changed, pancakes will be ready soon."

Peter rushed to get up and sprinted to his room. He decided to take a shower, then changed.

He returned to the kitchen, and saw everyone else woke up. "Hey look! He learned what clothes are!" Tony joked.

Peter blushed again and looked down. Everyone else laughed. Peter shuffled over to the counter and ate a stack of pancakes.

After he finished, he looked at Tony. "I'm gonna go on patrol." He got up to wash his plate.

"Someone needs to go with you." Tony replied while looking at his phone.

Peter groaned. "I don't need a babysitter."

Tony looked up from his phone. "What? Not for a babysitter, it's the rule."

"Oh, I forgot about that. Who's coming with me?" Peter shuffled awkwardly.

"Uh, Clint and Natasha, I think. Right?" Tony looked over at Natasha for confirmation. She nodded. "Yes, Nat and Clint."

"Okay, dope." Peter walked out to get his suit on. A few minutes later, they left to find Stane. Tony went down to his lab to help them find Stane.


Abandoned Warehouse

"Boss! Spider-Man spotted with Hawkeye and Black Widow." Harry said, running towards Stane. "Also, Vulture got out of jail. He is coming to help us soon."

"Okay, good. Get your suit on. We got some animals to catch."

Harry and Stane both got their suits on. Harry was armed with bombs and a sonic taser, with a few other weapons. Stane was in a suit similar to Iron Man, with a few different weapons.

They left the warehouse, heading towards Queens to find the assassins and Spider.

Heyo! Okay, so for those who helped me pick between 1 and 2, thank you!! It was to figure out who would go out with Peter on patrol. 1 was Tony and Steve. 2 was Nat and Clint. I had ideas for both, but I have more ideas with Clint and Nat, so I'm happy with the results. (2 won btw). Thanks again! I appreciate it. :)

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