Part 8: Predator and Prey Part: 2

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A/N: OH THE PEER PRESSURE! Shiiiit it's been a long time since I updated, huh? About a year or so....anywho! I'd just like to say thank you all! For voting and commenting and reading my shitty book!!!! A million thanks! Now let's continue on with the long awaited chapter!!!

(Also another little warning this chapter contains: Non-con and lots of bad words)

Just another warning thing: If you don't like sexual content then this isn't the book for you, well shit none of the books I'll write would be for you then...If ya don't like that shit FUCKING LEAVE! sorry to be rude but I'm just putting it in simple online author terms~💞 Have a nice day!💕

Previous part:

There beside me was The Hero Hunter. The Monster. Garou. "Shut the hell up would ya?" He says yawning as he opens his eyes to glare at me. I growl at him and chomp down on his hand, hard. The salty taste of blood filled my entire mouth, and he groaned in pain. "You'll regret that you piece of shit!"

Garou stands up and grabs me by the collar of my shirt, making the chains around my wrists rub painfully against my sore skin. "Fuck you..." I say through gritted teeth and I spit at him. "You little bitch..." He growled as he wipes the spit off his face, balling his fist up and swings at me. Before I could even flinch or react his fist comes in contact with my face. There was no immediate pain, only the ringing in my ears. Then the pain came crashing into me like a semi truck going over the speed limit into an orphanage, I could feel the blood gushing out of my nose. He lets go of me and throws me against the bed like a rag doll into a meat grinder.

I immediately go and cover up my face, wiping the blood on my sleeve wincing as the soft fabric comes into contact with the bruising skin on my face. I tried to focus on something else beside the pain, something, anything...Then I saw it the sliver almost shimmering hair of my captor. "So beautiful..." I whispered aloud, he must of heard me because his entire body went tense. "The fuck you say to me?!" He turned around to stare at me, his eyes dilating as they met with my own. "I said you are a bitch!" I yell at him, emphasizing afterwards with a small "fuck you" and a flip of my middle finger. "Oh yeah?" He says, before I could even open my mouth to speak he jabs his elbow into my side.

I could hear a defining crack as he does it again. I let out a wail of pain as his hands slowly traveled up my side as he pushed on the broken ribs. I let out another scream as he dug his surprisingly sharp nails into my skin. I could feel as each individual nail pierce my skin, I could feel the blood trickling down the open wounds. "Get off of me, you sick bastard!!" I shout squirming and attempting to get him off of me,but to no avail. "How about you shut the hell up, then maybe I'll get off ya." Garou grunts as he shifts his body weight onto my broken ribs and making sure to dig his fingers deeper into my skin.

I let out a few grunts still trying to get him off of me, once again it doesn't work. Garou places a hand on my thighs and I let out a huff of air. "Don't try anything funny, like-" A swift smack to my face made me shut my mouth, causing him to laugh and move his hand lower rubbing circles in between my thighs. "Don't do what? You can't tell me anything, considering the position you are in Y/N." He growled forcing my legs open, quickly rubbing small but forceful circles on my clothed clit.

"GET THE HELL OFF ME!" I shout once more struggling against the restraints. The slight pain in my side is bearable but the humility is excruciating and I grit my teeth at the thought of him continuing further.

Garou laughs loudly at me, as I continue to struggle and curse at him under my breath. "Well, I guess we know how you'll react to a gentle touch, eh?" His fingers immediately stop their circular motions and he licks me cheek. His warm and wet tongue makes a weird sensation wash over your entire body. He pulls away from and looks down at me with a sly grin, before I could even blink he punches me in the stomach. I feel my insides churn as a cough up a bit of blood.

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