Our Only Solution「26」

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|| 8 months later ||

- Jins POV -

I neared her small cafe

Visting her once again

Pushing open the all to familar door the smell of her shop rushed comfort over me.

"Welcome to- oh jin! Do you want your usual?" Wearing a smile on her face I nodded my head and took a seat near the window

Within minutes she brought me my coffee and pastries

"Here you go, its nice to see you again how've you been?" She asked, although her memories of me were erased I could still see the same caringness she gave me before

It only makes me miss "us" alot more then I already do

"You know...I've noticed..... You've always come to my shop once a month on the same day for the past 8 months" taking a sip of my coffee I watched as she put her try aside and sat down with me

There was no one else in the cafe but us.

"I uh... I come to Seoul once a month for work" I explained taking a bite of a pastrie

"You come to seoul on the same day every month?" Sounding a bit confused I just nodded my head in response to reassuer her rather then continue confusing her

I can only leave hell once a month for very limited times

But its worth everything to see you even if all I can do is watch you tend to others

"Well thank You for comming to my shop! Do you want more pastries? Its on the house" watching her get back up to grab more pastries I really wanted to grab her wrist and ask her to just sit with me.

"Irene" I said as she placed another tray of pastries down

"Hmmn?" Sittimg down with me again she held onto her tray

"You have a really beautiful cafe" scarfing down more pastries to eat away my pain

"Thank you jin" her lips formed a smile that melted away everything

I took seeing you smile for granted

"I better go now, thank you for the pasitries" leaving her shop I took a deep breath walking down the pavement

* B A N G * B A N G

Dropping the pastries my immediate instinct was to turn to irenes shops where I saw the doors which were both left wide open


* B A N -

Stopping time I ran to her shop and saw the sight in front of me. A gun man had run into her shop

Had fired 2 shots at her, the first one piercing her abdominal area hiting a vital organ, the second shooting straight through her right thigh

The third shoot, was just about to pierce through her skull. Reaching for it carefully I pulled it out of the space it was in and stuck it in my pocket

[Bite Of A Demon] × k.sj b.jh 「Jinrene」✔Where stories live. Discover now