A Forever That's Just Begun「27」

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- Jins POV -

Being back in hell meant playing it cool And playing it cool meant taking care of this nuisance properly

"Aye Mr.gunman?? You confused where you are? Scared maybe?....well you should be cause you're where you belong" staring down at the man who id frozen in place

"Speak" I commanded

"I'm not afriad of you" laughing at his statement I cracked my neck

"Well You will be" setting his left arm a fire I watched as he panicked franticly rolling across the ground

"How did you?" Sounding panicked the funs only just begun

"Why did you go to her shop and open fire on her?" I then asked freezing him in place and putting out the flame that consumed his arm

"Speak the truth"  kneeling down to his level and looking at him straight.

"She charged me for an extra pastrie the other day" he told me trembling in fear

You've got to be kidding me

"A.....pastrie? You shot her over.....A pastrie?" Seeing him nodd his head compelled to tell the truth

"Hahaha! aHaHaHAhAHaH! BWAHAGAGGA! I HOPE THAT PASTIRE WAS WORTH IT BASTARD" grabbing his arm I dragged the gunman to a pit I made just for him.

"Hope you enjoy fire cause" in one fling I hurled him into the pit of flames

"You'll burn in there for all eternity" hearing his screams only made it more satsfying

"Have fun!!" I then yelled leaving the room. That was the last of my business I needed to finish up here in this hell.

"You ready jin?" Jungkook agreed to meet me at the western entrence of our mansion us brothers called home

"Sure as hell I'm ready" I said tryna make a joke

".....if the other brothers don't kill us your jokes will" taken back by his reaspones I Suddnely thought maybe I should have thrown him into the pit as well.

"Lets just go" I replied defeated. In a second we were at the steps of the huge gate separating what was hell and earth

"Our lord! We call upon you to appere!" Jungkook shouted into the gate.

And sure enough he appered the gate keep and our lord

Bang si-hyuk

Also know as

Hitman bang

"What do you kids want? I was busy you know" he said irritated

"Busy doing what?" Jungkook said crossing his arms

he's never going to respect his Hyung is he?

"Things" hitman bang replied yawning

"You were sleeping weren't you?" I clasped my hand over his mouth

"Ahaahaha Mr. Si-hyuk! Excuse my brother its been a while since we've seem eachother hasnt it?! How have you been" trying my best to sooth the mood and tone it seemed to ease him a bit

[Bite Of A Demon] × k.sj b.jh 「Jinrene」✔Where stories live. Discover now