Game Change

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I remember the moment it happened. I was reading comments on a Zarry YT video (there was an argument going on between Larries and Zarries about who Harry 's song From the Dining Table was about). The comment which stopped me in my tracks stated simply: "It's about Zayn because Dusk Till Dawn is a reply to From the Dining Table."

I had never seen that theory before and I didn't believe it at first. (For anyone that doesn't know, Dusk Till Dawn is a collaboration between Sia and Zayn, released in September 2017.). I had heard Dusk Till Dawn many times. I liked it but I didn't know what (if anything) it was about in Zayn's real life. I actually suspected it had been written by Sia because she is such a gifted and prolific songwriter.

So I listened to the two songs. There are lots of lyrics that connect the two songs but here are the crucial ones:

From the Dining Table (FTDT) begins:

Woke up alone in this hotel room /

Played with myself where were you?

Note that this is the only explicit mention of sexual activity on Harry's entire album. And Harry has said the song is his favourite to play live because it is so personal (he said this in an interview on 15 September (as quoted by Just Jared)).

FTDT forms part of Harry's debut album, which was released on 12 May 2017. It is the last track on the album.

Dusk Till Dawn (DTD): (Zayn's reply)

Cos I wanna touch you baby / I wanna feel you too

I wanna see the sunrise on your sins / Just me and you

And later in the song:

Go give love to your body / It's only you that can stop it

Now Zayn is someone who I don't think invents a lyric with a view to increasing his marketability. I think he is pretty outspoken, and although he may not be entirely truthful to the press (e.g. his recent claim that he and Harry never spoke, which I think was designed to protect their relationship), he is very honest in his songs. It was obvious he couldn't stand the dishonest hype of being in a boyband and this was one of the reasons he left.

For that reason, to me the lyrics Zayn has written in DTD (read in the context of FTDT) are astonishing. They are an outright admission that he and Harry were an item and that he wants them to be together again, in a hidden relationship (you'll never be alone / I'll be with you from dusk till dawn). (Dusk till dawn meaning under cover of night). The song goes on to say light it up / on the run / let's make love tonight.

The crucial link is the image of someone masturbating early in the morning. This somewhat shocking and unusual lyric image links the two songs beyond a shadow of a doubt. Zayn tells us in no uncertain terms that he is singing to Harry; that they shared a sexual relationship in the past.


Is your shipper heart beating? This is it, guys. This is the Holy Grail: this is the Zarry sextape. Only it's a song. And it's only the start of the scene.

Further lyrics in DTD tell us more.

Zayn asks his lover to make it up / fall in love / try.

Let me just repeat that in case you haven't got it yet:

Real Zayn says to Real Harry IN REAL LIFE: "let's make love tonight, make it up, fall in love, try."



You don't need fanfiction. As someone commented on one of Zarry Documentaries' videos: "THIS SHOULD BE ON NETFLIX".  Who agrees???

In case you hadn't noticed, by this point in the song I am crying / dead. More of the same:

We were shut like a jacket

So do your zip

We would roll down the rapids

To find a wave that fits

I will analyse the song in full detail in a later chapter but for now believe me when I tell you that Dusk till Dawn is one of the most beautiful, honest declarations of love across boundaries that you will ever hear.

You may not (yet) believe what I am saying. I understand that. But if you keep reading you will see that the evidence piles up with every song and every symbol and other connection, to the point that it is undeniable. I urge you to also see the YT videos I have mentioned.

Note that DTD was released on 7 September 2017, nearly four months after FTDT was released. That is pretty much the time it takes to write a song and get it recorded, arrange promotion and get it released. So it makes sense that Zayn would have written the song not long after he heard FTDT (I'm assuming here that Harry didn't let him hear it before the rest of the world, as Zarry were apparently still not speaking much around this time). And remember that interview with Harry I mentioned earlier, when he said FTDT was his favourite song to perform? It took place a week after DTD was released. A week after Zayn had told him in a song that he wanted to be with him again. You can imagine how Harry felt when he heard DTD.

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