Chapter Ten

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Cole: hey nicole i cant come to school today. my dad's being stupid again.

Nicole: Why? What happened?

Cole: I know I get drunk but DAMN my dad is an actual alcoholic. he gets more drunk than me. i have to take care of him before he does something fucking stupid.

Nicole: Oh god. have fun taking care of your daddy :)

Cole: have fun at school without me babe

I sighed. A day without Cole. That's going to be tough.

I got ready for school and tried coming up with an excuse on what to say if someone asks me why I didn't go to school yesterday.

I went to school and to my locker. I did my normal routine until Madison walks up to me.

"Hey girl. You good?" Madison asks.

"Yeah. I'm good." I said.

"So did you and Cole skip together yesterday?" Madison asked, lowering her voice.

"Yeah. But don't tell anyone. I'm just going to say I felt sick." I said, looking around.

"Were you two getting it on all day yesterday? Is that why-

"No!" I accidentally yelled, drawing attention to myself.

I awkwardly continue talking. "Um, I was late for school and Cole came to pick me up so instead we skipped and hung out the whole day. Maybe made out... but no sex."

"Where's Cole?" Madison asked.

"Home taking care of his dad! Why are you asking me so many questions?" I said.

"I don't know! I just want to know if my best friend was okay." Madison says.

"I'm going to call Cole. I'll be right back." I say, walking over to the bathroom.

I dialed Cole's phone. Cole immediately answers.

"Hello?" Cole answered.

"Hey baby, I miss you." I said, accidentally saying 'baby' instead of babe. I almost slap myself.

"I miss you too. Did you go to class yet?" Cole answers back.

"No. Class starts in a few. I took my free time to call you." I smiled.

"I feel so honored." Cole says.

"How's your dad doing?" I asked.

"He fell right asleep right after he drank his fifth bottle. I tried making him stop but he was saying weird ass things. I know I drink, but my dad's the real drunkie here." Cole said back.

"Oh, wow. Um, I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my house after school? And maybe spend the night? My mom has work until tomorrow morning since she's filling in a lot of shifts." I smirked.

"Of course. I'll have to hide my dad's beer bottles and lock him inside so he doesn't do anything stupid. I don't want him leaving the house when he's drunk." Cole said.

"Okay. I'm going to call you later. I need to get to class now."

"Bye. I like you." Cole says.

I can sense his smirk. His 'i like you' made me giggle.

"I like you too. Bye." I hung up, smiling.

I leave the bathroom and the bell rang. I walked to my next class with my stuff. I sat down and took out the stuff I needed.

"No Cole Reynolds this morning?" Mrs. Hamilton asked.

Everybody looked at me, assuming that I knew everything since I am his girlfriend.

"Um, he is taking care of his dad. He told me." I spoke out.

"Ah, okay." Mrs. Hamilton says. "Finally doing something good for once." She mumbles under her breath.

I rolled my eyes. I looked down at the notes I took the other day. I wonder what the class did yesterday while we were gone.


The whole day passed by like any normal day. Some people stared at me because 'the good girl was dating the bad boy' or some weird shit. I wanted to call Cole throughout the day, but I didn't want to seem like a clingy girlfriend, especially if he's my first boyfriend.

I got home and texted Cole. I waited for him to come by. After a few minutes I get a knock on the door. I smiled, going up to the door. I opened it but it was Madison.

"Hey girl!" Madison smiled.

"Oh, hey." I smiled back awkwardly, hoping it'd be cool.

"I know you're probably going to hang out with Cole, but I forgot my jacket here the night of the party." Madison says, looking at the coat rack and grabbing her jacket. "Tootles!"

I sighed, closing the door as she left. I sat down on the stairs in front of the door, anxiously waiting for Cole. Even though he was gone for one day, for some reason I fucking missed him.

Then, there was a knock at the door. I got up, opening it. There, was Cole's beautiful face. I pulled him in quickly, shutting the door behind him and connected lips with him.

I leaned him against the door, continuing to kiss him.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, Cole pulls away

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After a few minutes of passionate kissing, Cole pulls away.

"Hello to you too. What was that for?" He smirked.

"I just missed you." I smiled, getting all fuzzy inside.

"I missed you too." Cole says, his smirk turning into a smile.

We walked to the couch and turned on the TV. "What do you want to watch? And do you want anything?" I asked.

"I don't need anything. But maybe we can watch something scary... if you don't mind." Cole said.

"Ooh. I like where this is going." I smirked, handing the remote over to Cole.

DISCLAIMER (PLEASE READ): I may overuse kissing gifs ;) I don't imagine Cole Sprouse to play as Cole Reynolds, even though they have the same name. But you can imagine him as Cole Sprouse if you'd like. Also, I don't imagine Lili Reinhart as Nicole, but you can if you want to. I used the gif from Riverdale, I love that show and their kisses from the show are exactly what I imagine when writing these kissing scenes, so I'm probably going to be using their bughead kissing gifs often. And yes, I'm aware that their relationship is moving fast even though they've known each other for a few days. This goes to show that Nicole starts to trust Cole as the days goes by, and that her feelings are strong. But they don't love each other, not YET. :) I'm also kind of nervous to post the next chapter, but I hope you enjoy the story!

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