The Mind Versus The Heart (Pt 1)

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"Hunk, why am I here?" 

A mellow voice disturbed the silence of the booth. 

Light blue walls with tall windows at the front, a high ceiling and open floor plan really made the small diner seem bigger than it truly was. The booths were white, some type of fake leather, with the tables having blue tops and white stands. 

Behind the counter workers went back and forth between the window to the kitchen and the patrons scattered about. Two rows of booths framed the outer walls, but the middle had tables organized like a jigsaw puzzle to optimize the space. 

The lights that hung from the ceiling glittered under shades that happened to also be decorated in the theme of blue and white. 

Blue table tops had the classic set of a napkin holder, salt and pepper shakers, ketchup, and mustard sat on top. All in all, it was a cute place.

That still didn't answer the question the short girl had asked.

Her reddish-blonde hair was cute short and hung in messy waves, framing her large glasses and golden-hazel eyes. A petite frame was covered by a large, rather fluffy, green sweater and blue jeans. The heels of her boots could just-almost touch the floor, but she'd be damned if she was going to start swinging them so she crossed her ankles. Her delicate-looking hands folded over each other as she propped her chin on them, elbows on the tabletop.  

Across from her was a big guy with a kind smile and warm brown eyes. His black hair flopped over his forehead, held back a bit by his bandana. His skin was a deep chocolate to the girl's fare complexion broken up by a smattering of freckles over her cheeks and nose. 

The big guy smiled warmly as he sat forward, his yellow shirt crinkling with the movement and green vest closing a little over his broad chest. 

"I wanted to show you the place I'm going to start working at." His deep voice was playful and teasing as he watched the girl's eyes go from suspicious to proud. 

"Hunk! Really?" The small girl's face lit up with a grin, pride and giddiness for her friend taking over. 

Hunk chuckled. "Yep!" He propped his chin on a fist and smirked. "You're looking at the newest addition to the Blue Water Diner's kitchen staff." The girl basically leaped over the table to tackle her friend in hug, wrapping her arms around his neck because she knew she could never fully hold him around the middle. "Thank you Pidge." 

Pidge sat back down, pushing up her glasses while grinning, this one much more mischievous that the last. "I knew they'd have to hire you, you're cooking is the only thing that has kept me this sane over the past few years." 

"You're sane?" 


The friends laughed together, Pidge holding her middle while Hunk covered his mouth with both hands. 

"Well, aren't you two lively." A voice broke the two out of their laughing fit, both wiping their eyes as they looked up. 

There stood a boy with caramel colored skin, light brown curls, and deep ocean eyes. He was tall, fit in a swimmer's way, and lanky. He had one hand on his hip, opposite leg bent at the knee as he held a pad of paper. He had on the dinner's uniform for their waiting staff; blue button up, white apron around his waist, and black jeans. Behind one of his ears was a pen, to go with the pad of paper. 

His smirk and raised eyebrow told wonders about him. 

Pidge recovered first, with one last chuckle she grinned up at the waiter, placing her chin back on one of her fists. "Yeah, you could say that." 

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