Chapter Three

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We sauntered down the ecoing halls, chatting quietly as we went.

"Where is everyone? It's so empty," I asked.

"This is a school of the priveleged, they're all still gone on their fabulous Chritmas vacations, and they won't be back until a few days after New Years. My brother and I, and two of his friends are really the only kids who stay here nearly year round."

"Well, now there's me."

She smiled.

"You're right. Oh, and by the way, leaving the campus like this isn't forbidden, it's just...frowned upon."

Before long we came to a staircase at the opposite end of the school, much like the one that led to our dorm. 

"This my dear," said Kaila, peering down the hallway and craning her neck to see up the spiral stairs, "Is the boys dorm, and is forbidden. Very forbidden. Being caught would mean immediate expulsion."

"And we're going anyway?"

She gave me a crooked grin, eyes sparkling and lively.

"Of course we are."

We climbed the iron stairs as quickly and quietly as possible, praying that one of the teachers didn't see us. We finally reached the top and ran down the hallway, bursting into the last door on the left. There were two boys inside, lounging around. I immediatley spotted Harris. He was undeiably related to Kaila. He had the same coloring, but he was tall, nearly six feet, and his shoulders were broad, making him look incredibly imposing. He offered me his hand, and a headshot-worthy smile.

"I'm Harris. Let me know if my baby sis gets to feisty and I'll handle her."

I nodded at him and gave him my best 1000 watt smile, but it was all just habit. I was completely focused on the boy lounging in an arm chair across the room. He had olive skin and black curly hair. Sprawled out in the chair, he appeared long and lanky, but his arms looked incredibly strong. As I inspected him, he turned towards me, offering me a crooked smile and a wink that made my heart melt. His eyes were of the clearest, brightest blue, and framed with long black lashes. He stood up and came over to me, offering a hand. I gladly shook it. It was atleast twice the size of mine.

"I'm Maveric. You must be Kaila's new roomate."

 "Yeah, I'm Mavery. Mavery Ellis."

I was trying my best to respond intelligently, but he was just so distracting. His accent was to die for, and not to mention the fact that he smelled almost as delicious as he looked. Out of the blue someone's phone started ringing. Loudly. Harris got his iPhone off his bed, but when he read the caller ID he gave a considerable wince. 

"Kaila, it's mom."

"Are you going to answer?" she asked.

He sighed and put the phone to his ear. Kaila dashed over to Maveric and I, doing her best to smile. 

"Maveric, why don't you show Mavery around until we're ready to go."

"Oh sure," he said smiling at me, "I'd love too."

I gave Kaila a panicked over-the-shoulder glance as we left the room. 

"Have fun," she mouthed.

I rolled my eyes, but there was a nagging thought in the back of my head. Maybe Watson wouldn't be to awfully terrible. 

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