Chapter 1

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Stuffing his hands into his jacket for warmth, the raven-haired boy kicks a rock along the pavement as he wanders aimlessly. The streets are empty, no one around this time of night. Unfortunately for him, Jungkook had found himself wide awake, so decided to try going for a walk. Looking up, he's disappointed to see that the stars are almost totally obscured by the street lights. One thing he disliked about coming to Seoul for University, was that he rarely saw the stars anymore.

A clatter from a side street snaps him from his dreaming. Craning his head, he sees a small figure at the end of the small street, facing the concrete wall. Curiosity getting the best of him, he walks closer. As he approaches, he can see what the hooded figure is doing facing the wall. He's surrounded by a dozen spray paint cans in various colors. On the wall in front of him is the most amazing street art Jungkook has ever seen.

 On the wall in front of him is the most amazing street art Jungkook has ever seen

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"Holy sh!t, you did this all on your own?"

The small artist doesn't react, not acknowledging the question at all. The ravenette watches as he finishes up the striking image, before tagging it with a "V" at the bottom. Kneeling, he immediately starts tossing the paint cans into his bag, not seeming to notice the can that has rolled over by the taller boy's feet.

Bending, Jungkook picks the can up before walking up to the kneeling figure and tapping the can against a slim shoulder, startling the smaller and drawing a yelp from him. As he jerks his head up, his wide, long-lashed doe eyes meet the midnight irises of the taller boy. The ravenette sucks in a surprised breath, unable to tear his eyes away from the delicate features of the boy in front of him. The smaller is so striking, he's robbed of words for a moment.

'Snap out of it Jungkook, say something!', he berates himself. Giving an awkward smile, he continues to hold out the can of paint, before clearing his throat, "Um, sorry if I scared you. I guess you were concentrating too hard to hear me before."

The boy frowns, looking at the can and then back at the taller before hesitantly taking the can and shoving it into his bag. Standing, he shuffles his feet, looking anxiously around. Jungkook sees his nervousness and raises his hands in an attempt to show he means no harm. "I really am sorry. Did you do this all by yourself? It's amazing!"

Jungkook looks at the colorful image again. It's so peaceful yet haunting at the same time. Bending, he sees the 'V' scrawled at the bottom. "Hey, is that your name? V?"

Turning, he's surprised to see the street is empty behind him. The other boy has disappeared. His head jerks around as he looks for any sight of the smaller, before he frowns in disappointment. 'I hope I get the chance to see him again.'

Getting home, Jungkook flops down on the bed in his room. The walk succeeded in wearing him out, and he turns his light out, thinking about the artist he'd run across earlier. He'd never seen street art like that before, and he found himself wondering what kind of person could create something so unique. Of course, as amazing as the art was, he couldn't help but think the artist himself was even more breath-taking than the art.

Elsewhere in Seoul

Carefully, Taehyung slips into his dark apartment, not wanting to wake his parents. Creeping to his room, he places his bag away in his closet before stripping out of his clothes and gloves and into a t-shirt and sweats. Laying back on his bed, a small, satisfied smile brightens his tired features.

He knows he has school tomorrow, and he's going to regret staying out so late, but it was worth it. He'd worked on the sketches for that wall for two weeks, and it was finally done. As he cuddles his pillow close to his chest, his mind drifts to the boy he'd come across tonight.

He'd been shocked and alarmed when he'd felt the tap of the can against his shoulder. He hadn't had any idea someone was behind him, and had been surprised, since usually when he was out that late he wouldn't run across a single soul. The boy had been tall, with ink-black hair, petal pink lips, and milky skin. And his eyes had been deep and dark, captivating the smaller to the point he'd been grateful it was too dark for his blush to be very noticeable. He'd seemed kind too, with a bright smile on his face when he'd looked at the art Tae had finished.

Sighing, Taehyung wondered who the boy was, and why he'd been out so late. Of course, it wasn't like he'd ever speak to him to find out though. Looking at the time on his phone, the tired boy groans, not looking forward to classes the next day.

Most students dislike going to school, but for Taehyung it was a special kind of hell. He had to concentrate twice as hard as everyone else in order to earn the grades his parents demanded. His teachers tried to make accommodations for him, but he didn't want to give the other students more of an excuse to bully him by letting them find out how different he was from his classmates.

There was already a group of much larger guys who took advantage of his petite size and delicate build to rough him up whenever he caught their attention. So Taehyung did his best to be invisible, hoping to avoid unnecessary attention. Looking as fragile as a girl already got him bullied, then the fact that he carried a rainbow flag patch on his backpack gave him another. If anyone suspected that he was small, gay, AND deaf...he wouldn't have the guts to face going to school at all.

AN: So here's my second published story. The updates on this one are going to be slower. My focus is still primarily on 'His Buried Past' until that story is finished, and until it's finished I'll only be updating this one when I have extra time. Also, this story is a little slower to start off than my first story was, but it kinda has to be. Oh, and the usual warnings: There may be graphic smut later on in the story. There may be violence, although nowhere near as much as my other story. And of course, cursing and swear words. I hope you all enjoy this story! I 💜 you!

Side note: I don't own ANY of the art that may be included in this story. Any art I include has all been created by immensely talented individuals and if they want the art removed from my story, I will do so immediately.

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