Chapter 5

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Taehyung lays his head on his desk, his hoodie covering his hair. He hadn't slept much the night before. Part of that was because he was working on the sketch for a piece he was planning, but part of it was because he was worried about facing Jungkook today. How was the older boy going to react now that he knew Taehyung was deaf? Would he ignore him, or treat him like he's helpless? Or worse, would he tell everyone, making him more of a target than he already was? He groans to himself, 'How is it that out of all the students at this school, it's Jungkook's cousin that's engaged to my brother?'

His head is banging lightly on the desk, when he feels a tap on his shoulder. Sitting up, he lifts his eyes to see a cute, bunny looking smile. Jungkook gives a wave, "Hello. Is it ok if I sit with you?"

Taehyung frowns, taking note of the fact that the raven haired boy is being sure to face him directly, not speaking too slow or too fast. Giving a small nod, he looks away, anxious about how the older is going to treat him now.

Feeling someone tapping the desk, he turns to see Jungkook still smiling at him. "It's pretty funny that we met and you ended up being Namjoon's little brother. I guess it's a small world."

Sighing, Tae gives a nod. He's relieved when the professor starts the class, as it means the conversation is over. He spends the rest of the class ignoring the ravenette, focusing intently on the lesson so he won't miss anything. When the class is dismissed, he gathers his things to leave when he feels a tug on his sleeve. Exasperated, he turns to once again see Jungkook.

The older boy grins, "Let's walk together, since we have the next class together anyways."

Frowning, Taehyung rolls his eyes. He turns and walks away, unable to tell if Jungkook says anything. 'What does he want from me? Did Jin put him up to this?' He's so distracted by his thoughts, he's caught totally unaware when he's suddenly slammed against the wall, pain shooting through the back of his skull from the impact.

Looking up, he's greeted by the sight of Jackson towering over him.  "Hey fag, were you ignoring me?"

Swallowing back the fear, he shakes his head. The taller male gives a taunting grin, "Still looking at my lips, huh? Damn, you really must be crushing on me!" The larger boy harshly grabs Tae's jaw, his grip bruising, "You think I'd ever be interested in a twink like you?"

Taehyung blinks back tears, fear and helplessness holding him frozen against the wall. Suddenly, Jackson is ripped away, a fist slamming into his jaw and sending him to the ground. The shaking boy looks to see who's saved him and finds himself staring in awe.

Jungkook is standing over the crumpled form of Jackson on the ground, hands in fists at his sides, his previously friendly expression now threatening. His teeth are gritted, and Tae can only make out part of what he says to the bullies, "...I swear, you'll regret it. I better not ever see you touching...," Apparently done threatening the group, he grabs Taehyung's hand tightly in his own and pulls him away. As they arrive outside the door of the art class, the older boy turns, his face worried, "Are you ok? Do you need to get checked out?"

The smaller boy gapes a moment, before shaking his head and waving away the concern. Jungkook frowns, "Are you sure?"

Tae nods, before jerking his head towards the door to indicate they should get to class. As they sit down, his teeth dig into his bottom lip, the memory of Jungkook standing over Jackson playing in his head. Ripping out a sheet of paper, he scribbles out a note, 'Thank you', before passing it to the ravenette.

Jungkook reads the simple note and smiles, before writing underneath it, 'You're welcome.'

Tae fidgets anxiously, before writing again, 'Did Jin put you up to this? Is he making you be friendly to me? Because you don't have to keep pretending if that's it. I won't tell Jin.'

The older frowns, taking in the way the smaller twists his fingers, looking away as if expecting to be hurt. His heart aches at the idea that the gorgeous and incredibly talented boy in front of him has obviously learned not to expect much from people. Writing beneath the other boy's questions, he shakes his head. 'No, Jin didn't ask me to do anything with you. I just want to get to know you. I think you must be pretty incredible to create the art you do.'

The younger flushes, his golden skin taking on a rosy hue. Smiling at the sight, Jungkook writes again, 'Can we eat together after art class is done?'

Taehyung chews his lip, indecision making him waver. He's worried about what could happen if he lets Jungkook get closer. But, he really does want to know the older boy; this boy who had seemed to be genuinely moved by his art, and who had stood up for him when other students always ignored him. Swallowing, he gives a nod, writing beneath the question, 'Ok'.


The two of them came to a small cafe not far from the school. Sitting down, Taehyung points out what he wants from the menu, allowing Jungkook to relay the request to the server. Anxiously twisting his fingers, he ponders how to get a conversation started, when he sees Jungkook tapping away at his phone. Not wanting to bother the older, he looks away, only to feel a buzz come from his own phone. Pulling it out of his pocket, he frowns to see that he has a text from an unknown number. When he opens the text, his mouth opens in surprise.

Unknown: Hey, it's me, Jungkook. I got your number from Namjoon. I hope that's ok.

His eyes lifting back to the ravenette, he swallows and gives a little nod. Adding the older to his contacts, he types out a response.

Taehyung: That's ok.

Jungkook gives a cute smile as he taps at the screen.

Jungkook: So why do you hide that you're deaf?

The younger sighs, wasn't that obvious from what he saw with Jackson earlier?

Taehyung: I already have enough that makes me a target at school. I don't need more reasons to be bullied. Besides, I don't like being singled out and treated differently.

The older boy nods, his expression thoughtful. He remembers how attentive Taehyung is when in class.

Jungkook: It must make learning in class a lot harder. I have a hard enough time understanding what the teachers are saying, and I can hear them!

Giving the other a small grin, Tae shakes his head.

Taehyung: Most of the time I'm fine. The teachers know, so they try to remember to face forward when they're speaking, and I sit in the front so I can read their lips easier. I don't catch everything they say, but between that and studying the textbook, I get by.

Jungkook scoffs as he reads the explanation. He's not stupid, he knows it must be much harder than what the younger is saying. But he also can tell that Tae doesn't want to come across as whiny.

Jungkook: So not only are you apparently really hard working in school, but you're an incredibly talented artist. How long have you been into art?

The younger blushes and ducks his head in embarrassment.

Taehyung: For as long as I can remember. Joonie-hyung got me an art set when I was 3 years old. I was hooked pretty much immediately.

The older boy smiles. It seems pretty clear that Taehyung is really close with his hyung.

Jungkook: It must be nice to have an older brother. The closest I have is Jin.

Taehyung tilts his head, looking curious.

Taehyung: Are you and Jin-hyung really close?

Jungkook gives a nod.

Jungkook: Yeah, we've always been pretty close. But now that he's been planning the wedding he's been driving me crazy. I thought he was bossy before, but I was wrong. Do you know he dragged me along to look at different tablecloths? It's a tablecloth! Why does it matter whether the edges have lace or ribbon trim or are scalloped? Hell, I thought scallops were just a shellfish!

Reading the other boy's rant, Tae breaks out into laughter, his full, pink lips pulled back into an adorable box shape. His face looks instantly lighter, and Jungkook feels his heart racing. If he thought Taehyung was more beautiful than his artwork before, then the boy was practically blinding now. The ravenette takes a shuddering breath, unable to tear his eyes away from the spellbinding younger. 'I am so screwed.'

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