Chapter 2

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Slapping at his alarm, Jungkook groans, the urge to stay in his warm bed almost irresistible. But as his eyes start to close, he remembers that he has classes. 'Ugh, I can't afford to start the second half of the year off on the wrong foot.' Reluctantly, he climbs from the bed and stumbles his way to the bathroom. After a quick shower, he picks out a white t-shirt and ripped jeans before pulling his timberlands on and making his way to the kitchen. Seated at the counter is his half-asleep roommate, Yoongi. The white-haired boy glances at the younger and gives a grunt, which is Yoongi-speak for "Good morning".

"Morning hyung," the younger mumbles as he grabs some coffee.

The older scowls, taking a long sip of his coffee before grumbling, "What were you doing out so damn late for? I was sleeping and you woke me up when you got home."

The dark-haired boy sighs, "Sorry hyung. Just couldn't sleep, so I decided to go for a walk."

The shorter boy glares, "Well next time be quieter when you're coming in. And maybe you shouldn't be out walking all alone when it's so freaking late. Try reading a damn book or something."

The younger nods, hiding a grin. Yoongi acts tough and cold, but he does actually worry about Jungkook.  Seeing what time it is, the ravenette jumps up, calling a quick goodbye as he grabs his bag and runs out the door.

Seoul University

"Oppa, there's gonna be a big party this Friday. Could you go with me?"

Jungkook groans in his head as the annoying girl tries to look cute. He doesn't really like parties all that much. Being surrounded by a bunch of drunk, loud, and horny people may sound fun, but in reality there's always the stink of vomit and too much perfume, and too many people think it's acceptable to touch you without invitation. And the hangover the next day always has him promising himself to never drink again.

"Please, Oppa, for me?" Seeing his disinterest, Yeri shifts closer, placing a hand on his thigh as she looks pleadingly up at him. He knows she's trying to look flirty and cute, but she's really just getting on his nerves.

Giving a fake smile, he subtly shifts her hand away as he apologizes, "Sorry Yeri, but I already have plans."

He'd made the mistake of sleeping with Yeri once a few months before, and ever since she'd been clingy and irritating. Jungkook felt somewhat guilty, because he'd thought it was obvious they were just having fun that time, but apparently she'd taken it more seriously. Since then, she keeps inviting him out, and acting all touchy with the popular boy.

Seeing the professor walk in, he abruptly changes the subject, "Yeri, class is about to start, you should get back to your seat."

Ignoring her pout, Jungkook sighs in relief, glancing around the rest of the class. His eyes stop on the back of someone wearing a black hoodie, seated in the front row, directly in front of the professor. The person is sitting up straight and seems to be focused on the teacher as he speaks, his head never once turning away. 'Whoever it is must really enjoy Calculus,' he muses to himself.

As the class drags on, the ravenette finds his mind drifting back to the events of last night. He was still blown away by the art that boy had left behind. 'I wonder who he is? He signed it with a V, but that can't really be his name, can it? What does V stand for?'

When the professor dismisses the class, Jungkook is quick to grab his things and dash towards the door, hoping to avoid Yeri nagging at him again. As he speeds to the exit, he accidentally knocks into the hooded kid in the front, the smaller figure stumbling a little. "Oh, sorry!" the taller says, steadying the kid before he continues, too focused on escaping to spare a glance backwards.

As Taehyung recovers from the near-fall the taller boy had caused, he shakes his head and continues towards the door, but is stopped by a hand lightly landing on his shoulder. Looking back, he sees the professor gesturing for him to stay behind. As he follows the older man back towards his desk, he frowns, unsure why he's being held back the first day. He understands though when the teacher hands him a sheet of paper with writing on it. Reading, he inwardly sighs when he understands what the older man is asking.

"Mr. Kim, I was informed by the administration of your disability. Is there anything extra I can do to help you succeed in my class?"

Taking a pen from his pocket, he writes beneath the question. "No thank you Professor. I'm sitting in the front row so I can read your lips and understand most of what you say. Between that and the lessons in the textbook, I'll manage."

The man nods, waving to indicate that Taehyung is free to go to his next class. Relieved, the boy bows and dashes out. He's looking forward to the next class, as it's his favorite subject, Art. Weaving through the crowd, he remembers the boy he'd seen last night. He'd seemed nice, and Taehyung had to admit his heart had raced a bit.

Distracted by his thoughts, he gives a startled yelp when he's abruptly yanked backwards by his bag. Turning, he flinches when he sees the tall, blonde boy and his friends.

"Yo, if it isn't the little queer," Jackson sneers, placing a hard hand on the smaller's shoulder as he pushes him against the wall. "Haven't seen you in a while Freak."

Taehyung lowers his head, swallowing roughly at the words he sees the larger boy speaking. The bully shoves him harder against the wall, making him raise fearful eyes back up. "Hey, why the hell are you always looking at my lips? You got a little crush on me, fag? Hoping for a kiss?"

Giving a quick shake of his head to say no, he's aware of the dwindling crowds in the halls. Everyone is disappearing to their next classes, not caring about the small boy surrounded by the larger guys. The blonde scoffs,"Why not, freak? Am I not pretty enough for a twink like you?"

"Hey, Jackson, we're late for class man." One of the others speaks up, seeing the now empty hall.

Shooting a last glare at the hooded boy, the bully slams him against the wall again, making his head knock against the hard plaster, "See you later, fag."

The group laugh as they finally leave Taehyung alone. Sighing, he rubs his aching head and looks at the time. 'Great, now I'm late for class.'

Jungkook is sitting in the art class, watching the teacher introduce herself to the students. Although he enjoys art, he prefers dancing and music, which is why he takes extra dance classes at a small studio near his apartment. This art class was just a filler, and he hoped it would be interesting.

The door suddenly opens, interrupting the teacher as she speaks and drawing the eyes of the class. Recognizing the hooded kid from his math class, he wonders why the kid is late since they left at the same time. The teacher arches a brow, "Late to my class on the first day? What's your name?"

The smaller shifts awkwardly, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a slip of paper which he hands to the professor. Looking at the paper, the woman's frown clears, "Ah, I see. Have a seat Mr. Kim."

The boy nods, taking the only available seat, which happens to be in the front row, directly next to Jungkook. The raven haired boy looks at the newcomer curiously. He was surprised the teacher hadn't questioned the late boy. Once the boy is settled, the teacher continues, "As I was saying, today we're going to start small. I want you to pair up with your seatmate. You are going to sketch each other, and then write your first impressions down. Go ahead and begin."

Turning to face the hooded boy, Jungkook gives a friendly smile,"Hi there. So I guess we're partners."

The smaller boy turns to face him, lifting his eyes to his partner. As their eyes meet, the breath rushes from the ravenette's lungs. He recognizes those eyes, and as he sees them widen in shock he exclaims, "Hey, you're that kid from last night! V!"

AN: Thank you all for reading and supporting my story! I 💜 all of you! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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