Get To Know

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"No bags?" You asked leading Allen to your car, luckily he wasable to slip into it and you began driving to your home.

"Nah, I don't have any real things, my nest of course bt I'm prettynew to these human stuff." He explained and you nodded.

"Oh," and really there wasn't much more that you could say.

When you got to your home you showed him around, there wasn't much tosee, a living room, kitchen with enough space to have your kitchentable, a bathroom, your bedroom (which you just pointed to) and hisown room.

It had been what you would consider a guest room. However you rarelyhad guests so it had evolved to be your (game room/library/yarnroom/etc). So last weekend you had cleaned it out to be a properguest room. You flipped the mattress on the bed frame, washed thesheets and blanket so that it was fresh, you dusted everythingleaving a dresser that was cleaned off, you also left a book casewhich was pretty bare left with just a few books figuring he couldfill it with books he enjoyed, and the walls were left plain but forthe simple white curtains on the window and a single picture todecorate the room.

You wanted your guest, who would really be your roommate. You wantedhim to feel both welcomed, that this was his room, to design as hewished. So you didn't want him to feel like this was your room, justmeant for him to sleep in and hold his stuff but you also didn't wantit to feel blank and cold, hence the curtains and picture hanging onthe wall. The last thing you did, and almost forgot to do, was stockthe closet with hangers.

You wondered now if all that work had been for naught. However youhoped he wouldn't dislike the room. He didn't strike you as a meanperson though so you didn't think he would put you down. "So that'sthe house, hopefully you'll be happy here." You played with yourfingers, you didn't know how to react, 'hey you're living with menow! Have fun~' shaking your head you smiled at him. "You hungry?It's about lunch time, what would you like?" You asked him and heblinked and chuckled. A hot lady going to make him a home cookedmeal? He'd take that happily.

"Sure doll, that sounds great. I haven't eaten since dinner." Heexplained and paused, "well there is one thing; they say what I amis called a 'vegetarian'." He added and you smiled at him givingthat warm sweet smile of yours that he loved and would soon becomeconsidered a trademark of yours.

"That's fine Allen," he relaxed, he had heard from several peoplein the few months since he was found deep in the forests of Mainethat didn't find him odd. If he had to hear 'but you're halfspider....spiders are carnivores.' one more time... "(I'm avegetarian to!/I do eat meat, some meals I won't of course, but Idon't mind making separate versions of meals when there is meat. Aslong as you don't look down on me for eating meat, hehe.)" Youassured him and with a smile "how about cucumber sandwich it'sreally good with tea." You smiled happily and he shrugged.

"Tea? That hot stuff." He asked and you nodded.

"It could, but I could also get you some sweet tea. It's cold."You pondered for a moment and snapped your fingers as you got anidea. "How about this? I'll make us lunch and you get settled?"You offered heading to the kitchen you made the sandwiches. Of coursethese little buggers were made a dozen different ways. You stuck witha thin covering of cream cheese, peeled and sliced semi thin cucumberthat is salted and lightly peppered. Along with two big cups ofsweet, sun tea. You gathered some (favorite non-berry fruit) that youhad cut up just yesterday and decided to have as a side dish to thesandwiches.

Going to get Allen when you slipped through the still open door youjumped. "Allen wo-" you were shocked, almost the entire room wascovered in webs. In the corner between the closet and the wall withthe window was a hammock like web.

In another corner there was a large web, and a almost hanging basketin the last corner in web. "Uhm...what?" You whispered and Allenlooked at you having just finished, he looked at you and seeing youlooking shocked.

"Don't you know I'd do this?" He asked and started to worry, didyou not know that this was a natural nesting habit of an arachne? Hewondered if you were going to kick him out, he knew that you hadn'teven been told of him and had taken him in after choosing someoneelse. Of course you didn't see his application then. But you were sonice...

"No...but okay." You smiled and chuckled, "I should havefigured you would, just keep the webs in this room only, okay?" Youasked and he let out a relieved breath and nodded.

"No problem doll," he agreed and you blushed being called 'doll'.

"Good, lunch is ready. Come on." You motioned him in and hefollowed you, as you two sat together at the table eating thesandwich, fruit, and sipping the sun tea you talked. He noticed thatyou kept glancing to the hallway that led to his bedroom.

"What is it Name? It's okay to ask." He assured you and you bityour lip.

"Is it sticky? Like a spider's web?" You asked and he shook hishead.

"No, it has some wool has some grab. Clinging silk."He explained and you relaxed and talked much easier. "So..." heasked as you two had finished your food and were just drinking thelast of the tea that he steered the conversation. "Is a boyfriendand friends going to have a problem with me?" He asked and youshook your head.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"...Girlfriend?" He had heard someone say that 'all the good guysare either taken or gay' maybe it was the same for women?

"No." You giggled, "I'm not dating anyone...I...I'm too fat."You shrugged, "and I don't really have friends who visit me."However there was one word that stuck in his mind.

"Fat...I don't understand." He said causing you to look at youconfused. "I thought it was a bad thing? Is it a way to saybeautiful in slang?" He asked causing you to gasp and your entireface to feel like an inferno all the way to your ears.

Okay. He was either the sweetest, almost naive guy ever. Or he was asmooth operator player.

Okay I hope youguys like this chapter. I tried to make it so that it showed hepretty much grew up almost completely alone.

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