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The rest of the day was pretty fun, you went to (favorite store)which was having an amazing sell so you picked up a few things.Allan, while not very crazy about (what is sold at the store) but hestill enjoyed himself. You looked so adorable as you fangirled.

However he was still angry and you could sense it. Allan took thebasket and the bag from you, giving you a deadpan look. You sighedand gave a smile climbing onto his spider body, which he had leaneddown to make it easy for you to climb onto. You (were wearing adress/skirt / didn't want to straddle him) so sat side-saddled on himwrapping your arms around his torso.

You both blushed at the same time; him from feeling your soft handson him, and you from being so close to him. He began climbing uprooftops being careful to make sure you were there with him. You werein the indent of his body, the rest of his spider half was bigger andkept in you almost like bucket seats. Still he was careful not tomove too fast. He wouldn't allow you to get hurt.

Once he got back to your home he set you down and helped you clean upand put away your purchase. "Allan? You okay, you've seemed alittle an tense." You asked and he sighed, he should have knownthat you would be able to tell.

"It's just what that asshole said." He explained and you frowned,you thought you understood but you didn't; you thought he was angryat what he had said about arachnes.

"I understand, but Allan you have to realize he doesn't know whathe's talking about. People fear what they don't understand and hatewhat they fear." You gave him a hug to calm him and though he likedthe hug he didn't understand what you meant.

"Name...what do you think I'm angry at the guy saying doll?" Heasked a bit worried and it was your turn to look confused.

"What he said about arachnes, right?" He gave a chuckle andkissed your forehead.

"Typical Name, too sweet for your own good~" he cooed to you andwrapped both arms around you. "It's not what he said about me, it'swhat he said about you." He whispered and chuckled at your confusedlook, "he insulted you." He whispered and you looked at him andbit your lip.

"But he insulted you to."

Allan shook his head, "what he said about me is technically true,but he deserves to have lemon squeezed into his eyes because he'sclearly not using them correctly if he can't see how beautiful youare." He whispered and smiled gently as he rubbed your cheek,"nobody insults my doll." He growled out and you blushed; it wasso sweet of him, kind of violent, but sweet.

"Thank you Allan," you whispered to him and leaned up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. You saw his red eyes widen and smirked to seethe slight blush under his tanned skin.

"You missed," he pouted and smirked at your confused and tappedhis lips a few times.

"Nice try," you chuckled and patted his face a few times beforeturning around and walking away.

"Aw, come on doll." He pouted and you giggled and turning aroundwinked at him.

"Maybe later~" as you turned around you were blushing horriblybut kept it up looking confident to him.

"When is later? Come on Name!" He asked causing a smirk to graceyour (skin tone) face as you headed into another room.

I really likeddoing this chapter, I had writer's block for a bit but then I got anidea and this chapter just took off. But I can't claim credit for allof this; the lemon juice in the eyes bit is something that my fianceeonce said about anyone thinking me fat. I am very lucky to havesomeone so sweet and kind love me.

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