PART SEVEN: We Should Talk

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The next few days for Dean went by swiftly. By swiftly, he means staggeringly silent. Sam and him went on a hunt a few miles out, a werewolf on the outskirts of Lebanon, Kansas. They were in and out within two days tops.

At home, Cass moved in silence when Dean was around. He healed nicely, a few scratches but nothing major. Small talk became they're big talk, no one addressed the giant elephant in the room.

Even Sam could sense the tension. Dean knew because just a couple of hours ago Sam (very dramatically) slammed his hands on the table demanding answers.

"Okay, what the hell did I miss?" Sam deadpanned.

Dean looked up from his laptop towards Cass, Cass looked towards Sam, then Dean, then to his book. Dean rolled his eyes.

"I don't know what you mean Sammy, I'm fine."

"You two know damn well what I mean. You barely speak, you won't look at each other, if I hadn't known better I'd say you slept together and Dean forgot to call!" Sam retorted.

Obviously, appalled at what Sam said, Cass stood.

"I'm fine Sam, you're fine, Dean's fine, nothing is going on. We're just..."

"....fine." Sam interrupted. "Yeah, I got that, listen whatever it is you two are refusing to acknowledge as a problem, obviously has nothing to do with me. So, in light of wanting to remove the tension build up, I'm going out for grub." With that said, Sam stood to leave grabbing the keys, Dean stood also speaking as he retreated to his room.

"Don't forget my PIE!"

He didn't want to talk to Castiel, after all he isn't the one who kissed him and stopped talking to him. He walked to the doorway and paused. He cocked his head to the side, without turning completely around.

He sighed as he spoke, as if maybe Cass just needed to hear him say it.

"I don't regret it, I just wish you'd talk about it, or even acknowledge it happened." With that bomb dropped, he left, leaving Cass to his thoughts.


Five minutes after Dean left, Castiel was still frozen with shock. He didn't regret it. Over and over it played in his head, Dean didn't regret it. It took him a few more minutes, to gathering his bearings and then he was off. Practically, floating to Dean's room.

Standing in front of Dean's door, he let himself have 3 seconds of fear and anxiety. He had an odd case of deja vu, but he shook it away. He lifted his hand, balled fist and all, and knocked, more like tapped Dean's door three times. He waited. He panicked. In reality it only took Dean two minutes to answer the door, but with Castiel's new human-ness, he was acutely aware of how far his heart was actually beating. Two minutes felt like two hours.

When Dean had finally answered, he's was shirtless, the muscles on his arms glistening, his face was flushed, his forehead beaded with sweat. He wore dark gray sweatpants, and nothing else. His hair was wild a top his head. Castiel had a very internal human itch to reach out and comb his fingers through the blonde short hairs.

Noticing Castiel was stuck staring at him like a deer in headlights, he cleared his throat.

"Um, whatdoya want Cass?"

Castiel mentally snapped himself back to the present and made himself form words. He couldn't think of what exactly to say. Sorry? I love you? You?

"I don't regret it either", was all he could muster.

Dean crossed his arms over his chest and gave Cass his million dollar smirk and Castiel could have sworn he heard himself whimper.

Dean however, just chucked and moved aside to let Cass enter. Once he was in, Dean shut the door and Castiel heard the click of the lock, he glanced at the messy bed and weights in front sprawled out on the floor (that's what he was doing) before turning around to face Dean. He was greeted by Dean's lips being pressed against his own.

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