My Immortal

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The bell rang and like a mass of crazy shoppers on black Friday, the students made the way to their next class, bumping into each other, running into one another and not stopping to apologize.

But of course there was always that one person in the crowd who didn't want to be there. Maybe they had been dragged to the mall by their friends, maybe they had been forced to come with their mother to get some early Christmas shopping done, or maybe they just didn't want to be alone. Regardless of the reason there was always that one person who didn't want to be there and in the white hallways of the high school it was Elisia Brown.

The thin, pale, brown haired girl walked down the hall towards history class, one of her least favorite classes, not that she had a favourite class of anything, but she really hated history.

She hated most things these days, ever since that night seven weeks ago when she'd lost the one person who wiped her tears when she cried and held her hand through all the crap over the past year.

Ash was dead, shot dead by a member of 'The Zoo' and ever since that night he had gone into cardiac arrest at the hospital, a large crack had grown in her heart. It was one of several cracks in her heart and like the scars on her wrists they would fade, but sometime the pain would come back. The wounds never seemed to heal

Ash still haunted her, when she closed her eyes at night she saw his face. She could still smell his scent on a couple of his old shirts she still had. His presence still lingered around her and while part of her was grateful for it, the other part knew that it prevented her from moving forward. The pain of losing him was just to real

She come to a stop in front of the history class and her old dirty converses squeaking against the white linoleum floors when she came to halt.

Some boy was sitting in the seat beside her, he hadn't been their yesterday, or maybe he had.

Her mind was too messed up and unfocused right now and for all she knew the kid could have been sitting beside her since the beginning of the semester.

Silently she walked towards her seat and sat down in it, she set her backpack down on the floor and startle playing with her bracelets.

"Hey Elisia," the boy next to her and Elisia turned her head and looked him with a quirked eyebrow as she looked the boy over.

He was a little bit taller than her with deep blue eyes and dark brown hair. He had a tad of stubble on his cheeks and neck. He was wearing a navy blue plaid short sleeved shirt with a gray t-shirt underneath. He also had blue jeans and converses.

"Do I know you Abercrombie?" she asked, smirking at the nickname that rolled off her tongue like she had been calling him that for years.

"I'm Cameron, Cameron Evans," he said, his facial expression was a mixture of amusement and annoyance, "We've been sitting beside each other for the past three weeks. I mean I guess I should be honoured that you spoke to me because most days you just mumbled or nod."

Elisia felt guilty, Cameron had just been trying to be friendly and while she hadn't been in the right head space, she should have at least acknowledged him.

She looked at him with an apologetic look, her nose scrunched up like it always did when she felt guilty, which she had been feeling a lot more off ever since this whole thing with 'The Zoo' and Dunbar started.

"I'm sorry I uh...haven't been in the right head space lately," she said apologetically and then turned away quickly

"I get it," he said and she detested the sympathy in his voice, "I know what it's like to lose people you love," he said and her head snapped back to look at him. Why was he being so sympathetic to her?

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