Fix You

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"I'm just saying you look like a dork wearing that hat," Elisia said as she and Cameron walked through the mall after school. It was April now and they had two weeks left before they had to present their project. They'd gone to the mall to get a few things and to grab a snack.

"I don't get what's wrong with it," Cameron said, gesturing to his hat which had the saying 'History Channel = Love,' on it.

"It makes you look like a tool and a dork," she said and then laughed when he shoved her playfully.

Over the past six weeks, Elisia's life had changed. There was a place at the Evan's table set for her every night. She found herself spending more and more time with Cameron and his family. She'd became close with Grams and Olivia. Ryan seemed to think the world of her. From her interactions with Cameron's father, she got the impression that he liked her.

Then there was Cameron. They were best friends and he made her feel things that no one had ever made her feel before. She didn't know exactly what it was and she'd never been a fan of the unknown, but Cameron was different.

He made her laugh all the time. Sometimes it was something he said, sometimes it was his horrible dance moves and other times it was was just him.

He didn't just make her laugh...he made her feel at home. She didn't know if it was because he brought her over to his home which reminded her of her own home. Maybe it was because he never tried to pry into what had happened with 'The Zoo' or her parents or why she no longer spoke to Rowan and Hailey. She trusted him and she didn't trust a lot of people.

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't attracted to him. His brown hair was short and had a wave like a member of a boy band. His piercing blue eyes were darker then her own and she'd caught herself staring into them a couple times. It was like starring into the ocean, she could get lost in his eyes. He had a great body, she'd seen it herself.

She was also attracted to his big, kind heart and while many people may have found his constant use of historical references annoying and weird, she found it cute. It was a little quirk about him that she found adorable.

The other weekend, she'd came over and walked in on him changing his shirt. Needless to say it had been quite embarrassing, but she'd enjoyed the view. Not that she'd ever tell him that.

Regardless of her attraction to him, she'd never pursue it. It would be better that why. Cameron and his family had been so amazing to her and she loved being included in the things they did. Which is why she had been getting worried about how close she was getting with Cameron.

If there was one thing she was good at, it was screwing up the lives of the people she was close to and cared about. Her parents, Ash, Rowan and Hailey were all prime examples of people whose life had been ruined by her. She'd never forgive herself if something happened to Cameron.

So no matter how much she liked him, she knew that nothing could happen between them. Her heart was full of cracks and his was wasn't. She'd end up hurting him, just like she'd done too many others. Her heart was to damaged and cracked to be with someone like Cameron.

"You know I'm starting to think you live between two different universes and whenever you drift off you actually go to that other universe," Cameron teased as they walked into a movie store.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever dork I was just thinking about how I wanted to light that hat on fire."

"I'd be careful, she has a think for setting things on fire," a voice said and they both turned around and looked for the voice that had spoken.

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