Don't Stop

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In all fairness Elisia shouldn't have been surprised when she saw Cameron's house for the first time. It was exactly what she pictured. A large brick house with a garage and front porch. It look like a house a wealthy family would live in.

She didn't know if Cameron was wealthy or not. She wasn't going to ask him either, because she got the impression that even if he was he wasn't the type of boy to flaunt his money around.

The house reminded her of her own house...or what is was before it had burned to the ground and killed her parents. Again something else that was her fault.

"Hey, you coming?" Cameron asked as he smirked at her from the front of the van, a shopping bag in his hand.

"Yeah sorry, just thinking," she climb out of the van and shut the door with a tiny thud. She turned and walked towards him, "This reminds me of my own know before the-"

"I'm sorry... if it's too hard for you I can take you home," Cameron said.

She shook her head, her dark brown hair flailing back and forth in the French braid, "No I'm okay and after all the talking you did about your grandmothers fried chicken, I'm dying to try it."

He smiled, "Well come one then, if we don't hurry my brother and sister will eat it all."

They hustled up the stone steps and onto the oak porch. On the porch there was a white porch swing and two lawn chairs. Several flower pots were placed neatly on the porch.

She noticed one pot was filled with yellow and red tulips. When she was younger she and her mother used to plant tulips every spring.

"My grandmother loves gardening and flowers," Cameron said when he noticed her staring at the flowers.

"I used to love gardening," Elisia said.

"You should come over and garden with her," he noticed her raised eyebrow, "She'd love to garden with someone."

"Maybe," Elisia said with a shrug.

Cameron nodded and then opened the door, holding it open for her. Once she was in, he followed and then closed the door behind him.


Inside the house looked amazing. The front door connected to the front hall. Elisia looked around in awe.

The halls were painted a soft yellow and on the left side were several pictures, so of Cameron and the rest of three other children and a few of the whole family.

On the other side were several different hooks each with a different letter on each one. She didn't know what his siblings name where but she guessed that the C stood for Cameron.

At that moment the sound of nails on the hardwood floor drew her attention as she saw a Border Collie run toward them.

Cameron bent down and started petting the dog and rubbing his face, "Hey Spark what's up pal?"

Spark affectionately lick Cameron's face and then looked excitedly at Elisia. Cameron noticed and smiled, "Spark this is my other best friend, Elisia."

Elisia found herself blushing and she knelt down and held out her hand for Spark to lick and sniff. Once the dog had check her out he waged his tail and affectionately rubbed his head into her as she petted his the scratched behind his ears.

"You're such a good boy," She cooed as she petted the dog and played with him. She noticed Cameron starring at her with an amused look on his face. "I always wanted a dog," she said, giving him a shy smile as Spark laid down and rested his head on her legs.

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