14. Bobby and Clyde

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La Mort et ses Merveilles

Chapter 14: Bobby and Clyde

I woke up the next morning with Leslie still asleep beside me. The neon green digits of the clock read that it was four thirty. Stretching my arms, I reached out for the lamp on the side and turned on the light.

As the dim light illuminated the room, I couldn't help but admire the young man laying down beside me. He was still asleep, his chest rising up and down with every breath. With his eyes shut, it was only then that I noticed how pretty his long lashes were. He seemed at peace. I almost wanted to reach out and trace his features with my fingers -from his sunken eyes to his cheekbones down to his neck, but I didn't want to wake him up. Besides, first light was at six -Leslie could use the rest, and I could use these moments of silence to take it all in.

I guess you could say it was creepy for me to be watching him sleep, but I couldn't help it. He seemed so innocent and serene with his eyes closed and mouth shut. Well, he was more likeable when he wasn't talking that's for sure.

It was then when I noticed his eyes twitching as he stirred, his eyelids fluttering as he looked up at me with sleepy eyes.

"Morning sleepyhead," I said teasingly, scratching under his chin like I was playing with a cat. "I was starting to wonder when you'll wake up."

He seemed slightly confused at first, his pretty blue eyes looking up at me in bewilderment. I guess it was the sleep still in him, as after the initial drowsiness left him, his lips broke out into a wry smile.

"It feels so nice to wake up beside you," he said, biting his lip as he grinned, almost like a young boy who'd just been caught doing something wrong. "You're so comfy."

I could only chuckle as I leaned down and planted a kiss on his warm cheek. Sure, there was still some sort of awkwardness within me, some sort of hesitation, but I ignored it and went with what my heart told me to. Which was to be with Leslie.

The young man stretched and sat up. Cracking his knuckles, he stood up, but not before nuzzling my shoulder with his nose. He really could be adorable when he wanted to be. I wanted to make him stay for just a while longer, but we had to start getting ready if we wanted to be out by first light.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed, looking through my clothes for something to wear. We were going to be out all day, and possibly spending a night outside too, so I was thinking of something comfortable. Yet at the same time, I wanted to look nice for Leslie. Well, with our little confirmation on how we felt the same for each other -and of course, the kiss -I guess there was some sort of thing between us now? Was he my boyfriend? I don't know, but what I do know is that he makes my heart beat fast and I wanted to look good for him.

Funny, we were supposed to be going out to fetch something but here I was fretting about what to wear as if it were a date. Well, I guess in the zombie apocalypse this was probably the closest thing to it. Talking about fetching, I still didn't know what exactly it was that Josephine wanted us to get. What could've been so important that we had to drive for eight hours, I didn't know.

As I rummaged through my clothes, I eventually settled for a yellow Hawaiian shirt and skinny jeans. Looking at myself through the mirror right by the basin, I swept my hair to the side. As I did that, I couldn't help but notice the freckles on the bridge of my nose. Have they always been so obvious? Maybe it was just the butterflies in my stomach. Sure, I've been with Leslie for a whole while now, but this time it's different. I couldn't just shrug it off as just another instance of daily interaction.

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