25:An On Purpose Accident

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Harry's pov

I stood in front of the woods where I last saw Alexis it's been 6 days

I missed her even more than when she was in a coma she was at least there I could see her in her bed with a placid face

Part of me kept saying she left me just completely she walked out and she'll never come back... because of me, because I'm the reason she got hurt I didn't like that part of me it was too persuasive

Now as I stood here her words filled my head "don't look for me" this I admit would be maybe the third time in all my life I disobeyed if I'm completely truthful about it each time I broke rules it involved her in some way, shape, or form

I started into the woods I walked as lightly as I could I'd avoid noise if possible thanks to my thin frame I snaked through trees and bushes without so much as a rustling of the leaves

I heard animals mostly birds that would chirp indignantly at other birds as they flew from tree top to tree top I could faintly make out Alexis's old house in the distance the pale green chipping paint from the back of the building stood out more than one would think

Finally I heard a new noise I stood still furrowing my eyebrows it was defiantly a predatory noise it was growling and slurping where there bears in here? Uhh big cats? I dunno what kinda big cat would be in the woods... these are big woods but I don't know much about animals including their geographical positions

As I went to take a step I heard a small squeak not like a squirrel I mean like a human pain noise was that Alexis?! I took off running not so quietly straining to hear for more but all that filled my ears was that eating noise gushing and slurping

I jolted to a stop when I saw a bit of a clearing it looked like a trail and I saw movement and it wasn't an animal it was bright red and hunched over

"Mmmm" the figure moaned its head leaned up

"Alexis?" Her hair fell over her back and she faced the sky a long snake like tongue wiggled from her mouth a body limp and lifeless next to her he looked like a regular jogger in workout clothes I started toward her "Alexis?!" I yelled and lost balance hitting my shoulder into a tree as I saw her face

Her green eyes were hidden behind black ones her mouth and face smeared in blood that same cut snake like tongue slid out licking her lips as she turned her body toward me she was crouched down her hands on the ground she tilted her head as she looked at me

She hissed

I screamed and turned running away as she lounged forward I heard her whole body thudding into the dirt as she ran after me

"ALEXIS! ALEXIS PLEASE WAIT" I yelped barely keeping ahead of her but nothing changed she kept running I'm faster than any human but she's a shit load faster than me I think the only thing slowing her down was the turf, trees in her way and sticks slowing under her feet

"ALEXIS ITS ME HARRY" I yelled louder hoping to snap her out of her animalistic mind set she just growled at me

I felt my body giving we may not have run for a long time but we were covering massive distance I ducted behind a thick tree I couldn't out run her and I was short of breath but panic started to fill my veins I didn't hear her anymore

I pressed back against the tree harder looking around she was stalking me I know it I'm scared truly and vividly scared that was Alexis I mean it looked like her but she acted like some blood lusting beast I squinted trying to make out her figure in the trees around me

I started to pace my breath to calm myself down looking for movement something I could track easily

I furrowed my eyebrows feeling something hit my forehead I slowly raised my hand to feel something wet made contact with my finger tips my heart caused my chest to heave as I lowered my fingers down to view


I swallowed hard and slowly started to tilt my head back

There she was perched on a branch above me her tongue hanging from her mouth drooling as she looked at me

"Alexis... baby girl" I cooed "it's Harry" I backed myself off the tree but she bared her teeth at me those pearl razors that looked nothing like human teeth anymore

I held my hands up freezing "we're friends Baby" I smiled my lip twitching "we hold hands, we kiss, we lay together" I listed hoping to connect the human part of her

She stopped growling at me I smiled now a real smile "Alexis it's me your best friend, your roommate" I had her she jumped off the limb and stood up staring at me her eyes didn't change though... they weren't changing

"P-princess" I stuttered

She pounced at me tackling me I screamed and held her shoulders as she snipped at my face I grunted trying my hardest to force her back

Finally she thought quicker than me and bit my arm I groaned and rolled us over grabbing her jaw forcing it open getting my arm from her teeth I held her jaw keeping her down I used the injured arm and grabbed her wrists pinning them down I put my hand over her eyes I made light but...

She wasn't even getting weaker she just kept struggling was it really not working I scrunched up my face brightening my light finally she got just a touch weaker "fuck" I made it as bright as I possibly could she went limp

I moved my hand her eyes fluttering she wasn't even out and I didn't have any more energy after that I stood up and hauled a*s away from her

I got to the edge and glanced back she wasn't even on the ground anymore I got in the jeep tires squealing as I pulled off

"I should have listened"

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