Why is the sky blue? [Marshall X Gumball]

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Why is the sky blue?

The grass green?

The sun yellow?

Our Blood Red?


As I hold the blade against my arm with a steady practiced hand I pull the blade in one short motion creating a thin red line over previously faded white lines and newer lines that still held a red tint that were only recently healed. I watched as the crimson liquid ran down my arm from the opened cut over my fingertips where it dripped into a small puddle on the tile of my bathroom floor. I fell into a deep sense of numbness that spread throughout my body and let all thoughts fly from my mind. I let the numbness spread for as long as I can before I begin to feel a little light headed. I stand up and apply pressure above the wound and lean over the sink to rinse off the cut and bandage it to stop the flow of blood. As soon as I had it bandaged and was sure it wouldn't show from underneath my long sleeved shirt I walked out of my bathroom to my bedroom and put on my red plaid flannel shirt. I slowly pack my bag tossing in my lunch, pills, notebook, and other things needed for school. I pull on my black hoodie and throw the hood over my black hair not bothering to eat breakfast as I was already late and would have to run to school as I had already missed the bus. I grab my keys from the hook near the front door leading to my little dingy studio apartment only stopping to grab my bass that was in its case near the front door. I close my door and lock it behind me for no real reason because if anyone wanted to break into my apartment they'd find nothing of real value there. I sling my red back pack over my shoulder and begin my walk to school still feeling a little light headed from this morning. Even so I just continue at my leisurely pace realizing that even if I tried running I'd still be late so I might as well take my time and just deal with the detention after school.


By the time I get to school and have my pink slip in hand along with a detention slip homeroom is already over and I head straight to Physics. This is probably my least favorite class along with math but I have a tendency to hate school in of any form. From the very beginning it's been nothing but laughing and hurtful comments on the outcast which I had a tendency to be. As I walk down the halls I can hear the whispers about the pale white kid or the vampire that I had a tendency to be called. It's not my fault that I'm pale or that my eyes are a rustic brown often mistaken for red. It's even worse though when I don't hear their whispers because then I begin to criticize myself. Either way I head to class and prepare for what I know is going to be nothing but me staring out the window and getting another F on another assignment. I sit at the last counter at the back of the class in the farthest corner near the window. I am the only kid in the class who doesn't have a partner and never will. It's always been like this so why should today be any different.

As class begins and the teacher begins to talk me automatically begin to recede into the farthest depths of my mind only for me to hear "Abadeer" yelled out loud. Automatically I am drawn out of my head and my attention is now on the teacher and a boy who I hadn't noticed before.

"Yes," I answer meekly as she continues to stare at me and I wonder what the question was that I had missed.

"Raise your hand so your lab partner can come take a seat next to."

I just stare dumbfounded. This isn't the way it went every morning. Already I could hear the condescending thoughts of every student in the class or what I assumed they were thinking as I raised my hand. Already I could hear the whispers begin to spread throughout the class, and the laughter that I knew would soon start once the new student sat next to me. Before he even sat down I had turned my head away and was once again looking out the window; only to once again to be pulled back out of my thoughts again.

"Hi may names Gumball." Is what I here as a hand is offered to me only for what I assume he wants as a handshake.

Hesitantly I grab his hand and give it a weak shake before pulling it back and placing it in my hoodie pocket. I nod and whisper "M-Marshall." Only to regret it as my head begins to swim and I have a bit of a dizzy spell probably due from the blood lose and anemia from this morning. Automatically I place my head on the table to stop the room from spinning only to let out a groan.

"Hey are you alright," I here Gumball whisper close to my head.

Being the idiot I am at times I nod my head to try and answer yes only for my vision begin to spin before I knew what was occurring and I fell off of my stool.

Before I blacked out I saw Gumball jump off of his stool and other kids begin to gather around and laugh at the sight of me on the floor as the teacher began to make her way towards me. This is where I blacked out only to have the sound of my teacher yelling for someone to get the nurse still echoing into silence in my ears.


I woke up to a white ceiling and a head splitting headache. The first thing I check for was that my sleeves were still pulled down and my hoodie on. Once I was sure that no one had seen the cuts on my arms I relaxed and flopped back onto the bed in what I assumed to be the schools infirmary. Only for the door to be pushed open and the last person I would expect to be there pushed open the door.


A.N. Thanks for reading. This is my first fanfic on Wattapad but can also be found on my fanfiction.net account under proxy404. You can also stalk me on instragram at @marshall_loves_gumball

Why is the sky blue? [Marshall X Gumball]Where stories live. Discover now