Awkwardness Solidified

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Hello and Tally Ho I bring thee a new story chap and an inferior British accent! I'm glad to see how many views this story is getting even after my unexpected absence (A disease called f*ck*n life). But either way I'm really happy to bring this to you. So let the story begin.

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The ride to my house was awkward to say at the bare minimum. If it was tangible you would have been able to hug the awkwardness and that would still be less awkward than how awkward this awkwardness was. ((That whole sentence made me feel awk-Weird))

Before we had even turned onto my street Gumball had already locked his door and rolled up his windows. I know I didn't live in the best neighbor hood but muggers weren't going to jump in front of a moving car for globs sake. They were smarter than that!

After a twenty minute drive in complete silence we pulled onto my street and I pointed to my apartment which was visible on the second floor from the street.

Gumball pulled over and put the car in park as I quickly unbuckled and reached for the door handle.

"I-uh...thanks. For the ride I mean." Globs! I mentally face slap myself in humiliation. How more of an idiot could I be.

"No problem!" Gumball says as he starts to get out of the car and it takes me a moment to register that he is Getting Out of The Car! What the globs is he flipping doing.

I open my door and he pulls it the rest of the way open and holds it like a gentleman. Great, low self esteem? Check! Feel like a girl? Check! Embarrassed to death? Almost there.

I get out of the car and pull my Bass and backpack out and sling my backpack onto my shoulder and turn towards Gumball.

"T-thanks for the lift man," I head towards my staircase and I already am feeling noxious and light headed again, "I....I really......*deep breaths*...appreciate it." I hold onto the railing catching my breath and trying not to look sick but I can tell by the look on Gumball's face that it isn't working.

He closes the car door and locks it with the button on his key ring. Before I can even stop him he quickly walks over to me and grabs my Bass case out of my hand.

"Hey!" I practically hiss at him and he just glares back.

"I'm helping you upstairs whether you like it or not and I don't care what you say your going to accept it because I'm not going to have you vomiting over the railing of the stairs into another persons yard." He says coolie as he wraps his arm around my waist for support.

Begrudgingly I wrap my arm around his shoulder and let him help me up the stairs to my red door apartment that was in the solitude of the back corner of the walk way, separated from the others. I unwrapped my hand from around his shoulder and pulled out my keys to the apartment and unlocked it. We quickly walk in and he walks in behind me as I flop onto my bed (its a studio apartment FYI). He places my Bass propped up against the wall. I turn to look at him without sitting up and can already guess what he's thinking. 'His apartment is so pathetic. He has got to be poor. Where the glob are his parents. Loser. Trash.' I groan and look back into my blankets waiting for him to voice the criticism and then report it like a newscast to every social site and gossip inducing girl.

But strangely that criticism never came.

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Well that is the end of it. And by it I mean this chapter. I will be adding more! Oh the drama I have planned! *laughs maniacally* Until the next time.


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