A walk in the rain

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Glob. Why's it so bright in her? And Glob what is that sound? Oh. That's right someone came in here earlier. Are they talking to me? Glob can someone please tell them to Shut It. Who's talking to me anyways? Oh, it's HER. Why did she have to come? What's she talking about? Ughh it's too hard to focus. What time is it anyways?

I glance over at the clock hanging on the wall only for something to pull me out of the fog that has clouded my brain by yelling. "MARSHALL." I hear her screech at me. God why did they have to call my mother?

"Marshall Abadeer, are you listening to me?"

"..." I wish she would stop yelling my head already hurts as it is.

"Marshall LEE ABADEER. I asked you if you have heard a single word that has come out of my mouth since I've been here."

"shutupplease" I mutter quickly and quietly under my breath in an exasperated tone hopping that she would just am quit or put me out of my misery.

"WHAT!? I "believe" I have miss heard you."

"SHUT UP!" I yell. Opps I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Well what's done is done.

The next thing I know her face is right in front of mine and she is yelling as I continue to stare at her impassively.

"Y-You..." She begins, "You ungrateful brat. Do you know how long it took me to drive down here from work?" Her voice only continues to increase in volume as she continues on with her speech and I wait for her to run out of steam. "Well if you're going to be such an ungrateful brat find your own way back to your apartment." She starts towards the door as she storms off only to stop in the door way and turn back to me. "And try not to end up in a ditch dead I don't want to be called for nothing again." And with that she turns and walks away without a second thought.

Silence ensues the room and with the quit comes clarity and I could finally process where I was again. I look up at the clock and see that school ends in about ten minutes so I might as well leave.

I find that my bass and backpack have already been brought up to the infirmary for me. I head to the front office only stopping to sign myself out so I don't get in more trouble for skipping the detention period I had earned for being late.

I walk out the gates probably only eight minutes before the bell rings. Not wanting to wait for the bus I begin walking towards my apartment on the crapside of town. As I walk I still feel light headed and completely regret not taking the time to eat breakfast this morning and then passing out and missing lunch but I continue to walk anyways. Suddenly I feel something hit my forehead. I quickly look up to get hit again by small water droplets falling from the sky.

Great this is just what I needed was for it to rain as I quickly pull my hood up over the top of my head. The sky had been completely clear of the dark grey clouds that now fill the air so I hadn't even contemplated bringing my umbrella this morning. I turn around and contemplate walking back and catching the bus only to see it pull away and drive past me. I wrap my now soaked jacket tighter around my already could body and begrudgingly begin to walk towards my apartment only to step unknowingly into a puddle and fall.

"Glob it." I curse out as a chuckle resounds behind me. I turn around quickly regretting it as my vision swims and I feel myself start to stumble towards the ground again only for the person who had chuckled to catch me and chuckle again. I look up at the person who had caught me only to be bombarded by the sight of bright pink hair. There's only one person I've ever met who walks around with Bubblegum pink hair and the smell of overly sweet gumballs. And it would be just my luck to run into someone from school.

I quickly pick myself and look back at the boy who calls himself Gumball. "H-hey. Um...Thanks for catching me." I stutter and turn away to begin walking back to my apartment when I feel a hand grab my wrist and stop me. I look down and look at Gumball holding my wrist and staring at me like I'm crazy.

"Are you really going to go out in that rain again?" He stares at me precariously.

"W-well ya. I already missed the bus and I need to get home a-..." I get cutoff before I can finish my sentence.

"Then let me give you a ride." He says a little too enthusiastically.

I debate in my head the pro's and cons of getting into a practical strangers car vs. freezing to death in the rain and ending up in a ditch like my mother had said. I think about this as my mother's words swarm my head and I make a decision.

"You know what I would love a ride." I say as I grab my bass's case up off the ground.

"Alright then." Gumball grabs my wrist and a start tugging me towards what I can only assume is his car.

When I see his car I stop dead in my tracks. My eyes are practically bulging out of my head as I realize just how rich he must be and my confidence in accepting his ride wavers. He pulls out his keys and unlocks the pink and gold Koenigsegg Agera S.

"Are you sure you're alright with me getting in your car?" I feel as though just placing a finger on the car or much less sitting in it would ruin it.

"No why would I?" He says as he gets in the car.

"N-no reason." I quickly follow suit and get in placing my bass in front of me.

"Alright so where do you live?" He asks as he starts the car.

"Um right off of Nightosphere and Ahh." I say quickly.

"Alright then let's go!" and with that he says as he pulls out and zooms down the street.

____________________________Sexy Line Break ___________________________

A.N/ Sorry it took so long to update but I have cookies and a sexy line break for you so please don't be mad ;-;.

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