Chapter 3: An Alliance

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"So, have you decided when to have your second date?"

"For the love of god Uraraka, we are not dating!"

"Says the person who was literally holding hands with him" The brunette said, rolling her eyes.

"That-! It was just-Arggh! Why do you have to do this to me!?" Izuku yelled exasperated.

He covered his face with his hands and laid his head on the table.
Meanwhile, Uraraka just pat him on the back saying it was 'ok to tell her' and 'you shouldn't suppress your feelings' or something.

He had no idea how that was supposed to help.

Luckily, Iida had arrived to their lunch table before Uraraka could embarass him any further. The class rep sat down and immediatly started interogating the brunette.

"May I know the reason why Midoriya is weeping on the table?" He asked, "You better not have teased him again, Uraraka-san. What did I tell you about respecting people's privacy?"

The teen in question put her hands up in surrender while shaking her head vigerously.

"No, no! I did nothing of the sort! Only having a bit of fun, aren't we Izuku-kun?" She said, nudging Izuku.

"Yeah, alot of fun. If that consists of embarassing me to death then sure." He replied, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Uraraka-san! What did I say about lying!" Iida scolded, pointing his arms straight forward in his usual 'Iida manner'.

"For god sake! It was only a small lie!"

Their argument continued on about one's good morals and such, but Izuku wasn't listening anymore. Instead, he gazed at the new figure that had walked into the lunch hall. And damn what a good figure it was.

It was Bakugou Katsuki after all.

The greenette's eyes travelled the expanse of his broad shoulders and down to his toned chest that was currently hidden from view because of the bagginess of the school uniform. The greenette knew what sights lay under there, oh he knew. That rainy day had done things to him.

Izuku bit his lip as his gaze explored further down to his....y'know.

Izuku continued to ogle until his eyes finally came back up to the blonde's face to find him looking directly at him. Izuku went red and wiped his head around so fast he nearly had whip-lash.

He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping and praying that Katsuki hadn't been watching for too long.

A sudden giggle stirred him from his prayers and he opened his eyes cautiously to find Uraraka smiling at him suggestively while wiggling her eyebrows. Even Iida seemed to have cracked a smirk. Izuku groaned, knowing full well what was coming next.

"Ooh, having dirty thoughts are we?" Uraraka snickered.

Izuku blushed even harder, his ears looking like they were set on fire.

"W-what!? Of c-course not!" He stuttered.

"We all saw where your eyes were going, Izuku-kun." The brunette smirked.

"Oh my god, I'm so done with you guys."

He got up and headed for the bathroom to cool his face down, he was done eating anyways.


Katsuki was sitting at his usual lunch table and had been staring intensely at the back of a certain green haired student's head wondering if he truly was checking him out or if it was in his love-struck head.

(HIATUS) It's Easy To Get Lost In Your Eyes || Bakudeku/KatsudekuWhere stories live. Discover now