Ch.2 Thank You

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Art by tumblr user,  mimi-loves-foxes

W H AT an update after like 5 months?!?!!  Also there's some stuff I edited to make the story more interesting so I read about the end of the first chapter or not! Anyways romantic development will be      l o t s next chapter I promise.

I ran as fast I could fighting everyone I could before they could get to the Prince. I still needed to find my parents hoping they escaped with the others. I heard a zap, it sounded as if a mage had just casted magic. I looked behind me and saw Robin.

"You can use magic? Gods is that a sword I see as well? " The Prince asked Robin, I couldn't stay and listen, I had to go ahead. Soon Frederick came over to me, starting with a loud sigh.

"Milord suggests that Robin leads us, as if he's our tactician. " Frederick informed me. 'Are you serious?! ' I thought cursing Chrom in my head.

"Got it. " I responded, I am but a solider so I have to obey the Prince. Robin directed us quite well during battle but once we finally done I ran into the houses of fires, looking for my parents. I looked around as far as I could. I stood in the middle of the burning houses, it felt as if I was suffocating. Sure my parents weren't the best but they're still my parents. I ran a bit further but saw no sign of my parents, only other citizens. I ended up guiding a few children to safety, holding the tears back. Once we were out of the fire I saw Robin and two others, their clothes burned in different areas. Suddenly the two people pushed Robin aside, I recognized their faces.

"Oh thank the gods! My little girl! " Mother exclaimed bawling her eyes out. Soon I saw my dad coming in to hug us as well. I started to tear up, my nose feeling stuffed. They let go and took a look at my face, probably ugly after all that crying. I could see Robin in the corner of my eye with a satisfied look. ' I must ask him later.. ' I thought to myself.

"I thought you had died along with the fire.. " I stated, rubbing my eye.

"Heavens no! Once your father smelled that damned fire he rushed us both out before I could even ask why! But we ended up stuck somewhere, but we got out because of that brave young man over there! " Mom babbled about. I looked at Robin again, he smiled at us and waved to only Frederick go over to him and question him.

"Well if I didn't we'd be roasted meat! " Dad exclaimed, Mom just crossed her arms.

"Oh shush, I'm the one telling the story. " Mom hissed at Dad. "Anyways, you have to tell me how the castle is like! The only other person who told me was your cousin! " Mom said, I smiled widely, glad that mom and Dad is still the same even after I left. I talked on and on until Lissa told me we had to leave. "I'll definitely write at least once a month! Love you! " I yelled waving goodbye to everyone I knew.

"Milord, didn't those brigands have a sort of Plegian accent? " Frederick asked the Prince. I thought for a bit about it as well. 'I was too focused on finding Mom and Dad to listen to the dastards.' I answered in my head, not wanting to talk to Frederick.

"Plegian? " Robin questioned, Chrom nodded.

"That's a country to the west of Ylisse, where we are. Their brigands keep coming in and trying to start a war. " Chrom informed, Robin nodded holding his chin.

"If there weren't people like you, people like my parents would have died, I thank you for that. " I said to him,

Robin gave me a big smile. "I just did what I thought was right! " Robin responded. I returned the smile as we walked into the forest. It was very quiet between all of us until we started to realize it was getting dark.

"Damn. " I muttered under my breath. 'I wanted to lay in that fancy bed tonight. '

"These bugs are driving me crazy! I can't stand these nasty creatures! " Lissa whined and shooed flies away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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