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Doyoung left the classroom as soon as they were dismissed. He met up with Yuta, Johnny, Ten, and Jaehyun again.

"Let's go for a drink!" Yuta suggested, making Ten, Johnny, and Jaehyun smile widely

"Call!" The three of them responded happily to Yuta who let out a grin

"Doyoung?" Yuta looked over to the younger

"I'm going to pass this once" Doyoung shrugged as he declined

"Pass? Why?" Ten pouted

"Ew, don't do that" Doyoung spat, pushing Ten away by his lips

"I look cute though" Ten said in a "cute" voice, making Yuta make a disgusted face and Johnny chuckle

"Why is Doyoung not going to come?" Jaehyun asked

"Probs girlfriend" Yuta whistled as he put his hands behind his head

"Whoops, single squad is broken" Johnny teasingly said

"Can you try to sound sad because the squad broke?" Yuta said, earning an eye roll from Johnny

"It's not broken" Doyoung sighed

"Yeah whatever, boyfriend" Jaehyun replied, earning laughs from everyone except Doyoung

They kept on talking about things that doesn't really make sense and about how they hate their professors and stuffs about their shit university.

Doyoung parted ways with the rest when they passed through the school gates. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and scrolled down to find a girl in his contacts.

He was about to click her number when someone called from behind

"Darling!~" Doyoung hesitantly turned around to see if he's the one being called, and when he did, he saw the girl he was just about to call just now. She gave him the puppy eyes as she did a cute pose

"Why are you calling me with that name?" Doyoung asked as he tried to fight back his strong laughter

"We have matching clothes" Sanae honestly replied

"You can laugh if you want" She added when she noticed how red Doyoung has gotten because of trying to hold back his laughter

"Almost everyone here is wearing the same clothes as ours" Doyoung laughed

"Pfft, stop laughing!" Sanae smacked the boy's arm

Doyoung didn't stop there, he even teased Sanae and imitated her "Darling" while laughing the sh t out of him. The girl eyed Doyoung who almost lost his balance from laughing too hard

"Darli—" The boy then choked because of speaking too frequently while laughing his lungs out

"Enjoy dying!" Sanae spat and walked away

Doyoung tried his best to save himself and he did. A last cough escaped his lips before he jogged to Sanae. Doyoung was about to catch up to her when a girl suddenly appeared infront of him. Of course, he stopped, not wanting to hit the girl.

"Doyoung?" The girl called out

"What do you want, Yoojung?" Doyoung asked, not minding if he came out rude

"Doyoung, I wrote a letter to you but you didn't even open it" She said, her voice filled with sorrow

"So I thought of just telling you this personally" Yoojung locked eyes with Doyoung

"Kim Doyoung, I like you!" She raised her voice as her face reddened

Sanae who wasn't very far from the two heard it, clearly. She turned around when she heard the girl's confession. Sanae looked at them in shock.

Onthe other hand, Doyoung didn't give any reactions, he already knows it because Yoojung's just too obvious. Yoojung met Doyoung's eyes again. The boy saw her eyes filled with hope and he doesn't want to hurt her.

"I—" Doyoung discontinued, not knowing what words to use

"Yoojung, I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way" Doyoung hesitantly said.

Yoojung lowered her head at what she just heard. Doyoung was looking at Yoojung when he noticed that a tear came in contact with the ground.

"No, Yoojung, don't cry please" Doyoung softly said as he embraced the girl

He comforted the girl by telling her that she'll find someone better and deserves someone better and aome other stuffs before breaking the hug.

"You suck" Yoojung suddenly spat with a sniff

A smile crept up on Doyoung's lips before wiping the girl's tears with his thumb

"You'll be alright" Doyoung softly told her

Yoojung soon left Doyoung and the boy rushed over to Sanae

"I'm surprised you hadn't move" Doyoung cheekily said as he popped his head beside Sanae's

"Why'd you turn her down?" She asked before started to walk along with Doyoung

"It's not mutual. Besides, I already have someone" Doyoung smiled

"Oh, you already have a girlfriend?" Sanae asked once again

"Girl— nah, just a person I like, haven't told her yet though" Doyoung answered

Sanae nodded in consideration and smiled

For some reason, I wish I am that person.

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