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sanachi.0 2 days.
see all 508 comments
hnb1n boyfriend?
am.llama you guys would make the perfect couple


Doyoung smiled when he saw Sanae's recent post. He liked it and turned his phone off as he walked to school. He set foot on the corridors and before he could walk further, his way was blocked when Yuta and Ten popped up before him.

"Help us" Ten cried out, Doyoung gave him a confused and worried look

"What do you mean?" Doyoung asked

"Math is killing me" Yuta replied

a/n: jugessda nananananannaa SUPPORT IKON

"Us" Ten corrected

Doyoung sighed in relief. He thought something bad happened.

"I thought Johnny's good at math? Ask him" Doyoung flatly replied, earning groans from the two

"He said he's too busy finishing his project!" Yuta whined and hugged Doyoung's arm

Doyoung made a disgusted face before pulling his arm away from Yuta. He grabbed somethimg out of his locker and threw it to Yuta.

"Calculator?" Yuta asked, eyeing the small device

Diyoung hummed, not even looking at them

"We can add, multiply, divide, subract. We just can't gt the formula" Ten said, snatching the calculator from Yuta and gave it back to Doyoung

"I'm not on tutoring, both of you should've payed attention to math more" Doyoung answered and walked away, crushing Yuta and Ten's hopes.

Both of them frowned and made their way to their classroom.  Yuta sat on his chair and pulled out his textbook on science when something fell on his desk

a/n: he took the textbook from the rectangular hole under the desk

He reached down to grab it and when he got a look of it's front, he saw a note which made him smile. Yuta looked over to Ten who has his head lowered, staring at his math book.

"Ten!" Yuta enthusiastically called out

Ten looked up, wondering why Yuta sounded so happy when they just knew that they're going to fail math. He moved his eyes to Yuta who was waving a notebook. Ten rushed over to the older and his face lit up

Take it. All the formulas here are well explained
This will be the last of me helping both of you.
Listen to your math teacher well, idiots.
Use this and don't fail, Yuta and Ten.


Yuta and Ten smiled at each other


Doyoung walked out of his classroom when they were dismissed. He sighed and wondered about how Ten and Yuta are doing. They weren't able to see each other, since graduation is on two weeks and they still have alot to finish.

"Doyoung!" Yuta and Ten called in unison

Doyoung turned around and was quickly attacked by a hug

Doyoung took action and pushed them off him. "What happened?" He asked

"Thank you for your help" Ten said, smiling

"We answered all of it, though we're nowhere sure if it's correct" Yuta shrugged

Doyoung only nodded before walking away from the over hyped men. His eyes landed on a group of bullies kicking and swearing at a beaten guy.

He scoffed and was about to take another step when he got a glimpse of the guy's face. Doyoung stopped on his tracks, looking very shocked

He didn't want to do this, but he spent no seconds before running to the group of bullies.

"Stop" Doyoung stood infront of the guy, hiding the numb male behind him

"Who do you think you are to stop us?" One of them said, which Doyoung assumed is the leader

Doyoung scoffed and looked over to his right before smirking. The bullies looked to where Doyoung did

"F ck" The leader cursed when he saw the school principal along with some high placed people

"We're not done, kid" He said, glaring at Doyoung before leaving with his group

"Get up, weak ass" Doyoung deadpanned, looking at the guy infront of him

"You don't need to thank me" He added

The guy painfully stood up and almost lost his balance, making him hold onto Doyoung's shoulder for support

Doyoung wanted to slap his hand away, but he has mercy. Doyoung helped the guy make his way to a bench and they both sat beside each other, but Doyoung moved away, leaving such a great distance between them.

"I never get to know you" The guy spoke up, making Doyoung scoff in disbelief

"I would never want to" Doyoung replied

"I'm Ren" Ren ignored Doyoung and displayed his hand out, waiting for the other male to shake it

"Learn to defend youself" Doyoung simply said before walking away. He doesn't want to get involved with Ren.

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