The Curse

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The Curse
by EMPG22HoPe


It was the end of a decade
But the start of an age


June 1995

Astoria fumbled with her silken blue robes nervously. This was a crazy idea. But she was doing it anyway.

It was a beautiful start of the summer at Beauxbatons that day. The sun illuminated much of the school's vast chateau, making it even more beautiful than it is in the winter. Students milled about at the chateau's foyer for the last day of the school year, chatting animatedly with their foreign guests from Hogwarts and Durmstrang. The mark of the end of the Triwizard Tournament that day would also declare Beauxbatons the winner. It was a celebration for her school, and they were serving up one hell of a fine meal at the Dining Chamber for breakfast.

The crowd slowly dispersed, and when she caught sight of a familiar blonde hair in the crowd, Astoria couldn't help but laugh. Where the boy should have been wearing Slytherin robes, he sported a blood red jumper today. He looked quite disoriented as he made his way towards her, but beamed when they finally came face to face.

Astoria eyes surveys him. "You're looking very Gryffindor today, monsieur Malfoy."

Draco scratches the back of his head bashfully. "I lost a bet with Blaise."

"I told you it was stupid," Astoria replied thickly, then laughed at him. She jiggled the picnic basket hanging from her arm excitedly. They could easily enjoy the scrumptious meal prepared by the nymphs that morning, but they decided last night it would be a fine farewell to the end of the school year. "Are you ready to go?"

His grey eyes drifts towards the crowd slowly disappearing into the Dinner Chamber. "You sure we won't get caught?"

She smirks at him, and then turns her back to start making her way out of the foyer. "Since when have you cared for the rules?"

Astoria hears his low chuckle as they walk out of the chateau and down south towards the staircase that leads down the mountain. They travelled briefly and soon arrived at a clearing where only a few steps away lay a river. A boat was harbored just at the side of the river, prepared to magically row them down the river's bend.

The pair mantled themselves onto the boat. Astoria then cast a charm to start the oars from moving themselves. As they pushed down into the river, Astoria placed her picnic basket down where inside their breakfast would be. She began to take out some of the fresh meals she had the nymphs cook for them. Crepes, buttered baguettes and a few macarons for dessert were present.

When she took out a battle of champagne, however, Draco laughed.

"Merlin, you're a brave one, Greengrass." Draco shook his head.

Astoria looks up to him with mirth in her emerald eyes. "Vous Britanniques êtes si modestes.

Besides, we're going to need it for today."

Draco takes the bottle of champagne from her as the boat rows them smoothly down the river. He fishes out two flute glasses from the basket and began to pour the champagne in it, all as he spoke, "What's the occasion?"

Astoria stiffened. None of the fresh air of the clearing just below the mountain where Beauxbatons tops helped to calm her nervousness as she soon fumbles for her silken robes. She bit her bottom lip nervously before she said, "I...I have something to tell you, and I'm not sure how to say it."

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