Chapter 34: Wrong

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The first few weeks at the tailor were stressful ones for Hannah. From morning to evening, there were storms of customers – from fickle aristocrats to servants armed with strict want-lists. She mostly found herself bringing down, folding and unfolding, and putting back the fabrics, while Ginia and the women did the measurements and selling.

But she liked that there was so much to see, hear and learn – from the noblewomen's conversations, from roaming Dalen as she made deliveries, and bettering her sewing so that maybe someday she could make her own pieces, rather than just mend holes.

When the day came for Christopher to hand each of them their pay, he took some time to speak to her personally. "How are you finding the work here so far, Hannah?" he asked as they stood together in his little office. "I hope you're coping."

"I am. But I'd like to know what you think, really. I mean, I ... I hope you're happy with how I've been doing."

"I am," he answered, biting his lip like he was thinking over his words. "More than happy actually. You've surprised me."


"Thank you. For all your help."

Hannah was fully surprised. How strange, to be thanked like this! She was used to hard work, but not praise. More than the money, the appreciativeness in his voice encouraged her, gave her warmth.

Christopher released her for the night, and she returned to Magda's in a good mood, even though the weather made her walk a cold one. After dinner, she sat with her brother in her room, counting each coin.

"It's close to what I make," was Rio's verdict, as they gazed down at the gold towers between them. "I'm impressed, Hannah."

"Finally, I can start adding to our savings instead of taking from it."

"And you can come home at a more decent hour."

"Christopher and his wife are so nice," she admitted. "I wish we knew more people like them. I never feel as if they look down on me because of Jono's or where we come from. That's what I like about them."

"Imagine if we had a shop doing as well as them. We'd be rich."

"That is a nice idea. But somehow I can't imagine you selling silks."

"Being surrounded by women all day? I'd love it."

Hannah stopped, thinking she heard something outside. Loud feet, very unlike any of the nuns. There was a jarring knock on the door, and a confused pair of voices.

"Who is it?" she called.

"It's Macks."

Hannah didn't move, knowing her brother would leap up to answer, which he did. He opened the door, and there stood the Captain and Sister Vicki. She looked extremely displeased. "I'm sorry, Hannah. He insisted on coming up."

"It's alright."

Macks glanced at Sister Vicki, looking expectant. "Thank you, Sister," he told her, a bit loudly.

Sister Vicki pursed her lips, peering at Hannah and Rio for a moment before going away.

Macks shook his head as he came in and shut the door. "I don't know what the fuss was for. It's not like it's that late."

"Have you gotten any news?" Hannah asked him.

"Sit down, Captain," Rio insisted, dragging up a chair. "You look flushed."

"Just the air outside is all," he said, shivering inside his coat and rejecting the seat. "I hate winter."

"Well?" Hannah prompted. "What have you heard?"

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