chapter 1

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I looked away from the television as I heard the opening chords of dirty little secret, it was Matt's ringtone of the week, though being a totally oblivious boy his eyes were fixated on the TV and he apparently couldn't hear it... or feel the vibrations practically shaking the couch we were sat on.

"Matt..." no answer, "Matt..." this time I nudged his thigh with the foot resting on it, a slight incline of the head but still no answer. Sighing I pulled my legs out of his lap and knelt right next to him, with my mouth by his ear. "MATTHEW WILLIAM EVANS YOUR PHONE IS RINGING!" I shouted in his ear giggling when he jumped.

"What the hell Lexi?" he mock glared at me making me giggle harder

"Your phone is... well was ringing." I said realising that it had stopped and that the only sound was the banging and laughing coming from the jackass episode we were watching.

"Oh crap it was Alyssa," he sighed standing and stretching "I better call her back."

I watched him closely as he hit redial and waited for his girlfriend to answer the phone. I felt a frown form on my face and tried to remove it I hadn't told him how much I disliked her, and I wasn't just jealous, she was totally wrong for him but for some reason he couldn't see that.

But I must admit I was slightly jealous as well, I had known Matt since he moved next door when I was 7 and we had been best friends ever since, totally cliché for me to fall in love with the guy I know but I couldn't help it... he was just awesome there was no other way to describe him.

I watched him as he paced backwards and forwards, he could never stay still when on the phone, "Hey Alyssa... yea sorry I couldn't hear the phone I was watching's not stupid" I was confused by this point what with only being able to hear half the conversation not to mention Alyssa would babble on about nothing for ages and wouldn't let Matt get a word in edgewise. I focussed back on the television in time to see Johnny Knoxville and Wee-Man push Preston into a bunch of metal garbage cans head first prompting me to burst into another giggle fit. I felt Matt sit down beside me and though he still had the phone pressed to his ear he spoke to me instead on Alyssa, "What did I miss?" he asked eagerly. "No not you... Alexandra... no... No I already told you I was spending the day home watching jackass... it is not stupid...whatever I will see you at school tomorrow" he threw the phone down on the couch and leaned back running a hand over his eyes.

"Trouble in paradise?" I asked nudging him with my elbow

He sighed leaning down and putting his head in my lap his big feet hanging off the arm of the couch. "She wanted me to go to some gits party with her" his voice was soft making the slight British accent he had more prominent, "I had already told her I was spending the day with you and jackass, she thinks it's a stupid show, 'whatever are you watching that horrendous show for'" he mimicked her in a high pitch voice making me laugh. He looked up at me and smiled amusement dancing in his dark blue eyes but I could still see the stress lingering in them, something that hadn't been there before he started dating that stupid girl.

"Can she even spell horrendous?" I know it was a mean thing to say but she was making my Matt upset, wait not my Matt just Matt, she was making Matt upset.

"Lexiiii..." he drew out the last syllable of the nickname only he was allowed to call me

"Mattyyy..." I mimicked him running my hands through his soft hair

"That's not a nice thing to say Lex , even if you don't like her." Wait how did he know I didn't like her?

"What do you mean don't like her, I like her, she's great" I said forcing a grin

"Don't play dumb Lexi, I know you don't like her, and I understand, I mean you are almost complete opposites, I would like you to keep your comments to yourself though she is my girlfriend." Complete opposites, he was right obviously, he almost always is but it still hurt, he liked a girl the complete opposite of me, I guess I didn't make the cut for him.

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