// chapter 1 // 'Describe love'

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'Describe love'

The title was written on the board in class, our task today was to describe love and what it felt like to be in love.

I stared blankly at the board, tapping my pen on my workbook. How do you describe something that you have never felt before?

I started my sentence with 'love is...' But I couldn't think of anything else to complete it.

I know how love is supposed to feel and I know the feeling of love between parents and their children, but having someone to love was something I never had experienced and something I probably never will.

'Thats it class, pens down' my teacher, Mr Branning, called, his voice echoing around the hollow shell of a classroom.

I try to concentrate but all can hear is the faint chitter chatter from a group at the back, turning around I see that it's mainly a group of boys, giggling about something the curly haired boy was showing on his phone.

'LUKE!' Mr Branning shouted, making every student sit up straight and pretend to actually be listening.

'If you think you're so funny and can take this class without any help from me so be it'

Luke shook his head quickly and looked at the other boys who were silently sniggering behind him.

Luke was quite tall, with blonde hair styled in a quiff but trust me it wasn't always like that! He did support a bit of the Justin bieber hairstyle in his younger years.

'Well if you don't want to take MY class - then at least read out your answer to the class' Sir smiled

Luke sighed and stood up with his book 'love is...' He paused

And turned around to look at the boys. 'Go on luke, tell us what love is' the boy next to him laughed and continued to make kissy noises.

This boy had brown hair with a few blonde streaks in, mind you this was his 'school hair' there had been many holidays that his hair had been pink, blue, green, he wasn't afraid to be who he was.

'Carry on Luke' sir continued

'Okay, fine...love is' he sighed and carried on 'it's where you make wishes with each other, dreams that you want to fulfill with each other, it's being able to remember those stupid little things like how it feels to fall asleep together, and share a thousand memories that are unforgettable, it's about holding each other tight, and feeling like everything will be ok when you're with each other'

Luke's face was now bright red as the class listened in awe.

Hi guys!

Sorry its a short chapter but this is my first book and i'm unsure if anyone if actually going to like it!

I don't even have a name for the main character! :3

Pls comment and tell me if its good/what should happen/character names

- I'll be forever grateful

- follow me on twitter if you don't already @haribolashton

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