//chapter 2// my park, my tree, my escape

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I go to the park everyday afterschool. 

The park was full of green fields which spread far into the distance, a little river made its way through the centre.

A play park to the left of me had swings and slides galore, many were rusted and hardly anyone used it. The park was run down and old, with only distant memories of the children that used to occupy it left.

To my right was this tree, my tree. It's where I sat afterschool, it was a big oak tree with a large trunk and many thick branches shooting out of it.  I climb up to the first branch, which is high enough for me to feel safe and high enough for me not to be seen by anyone else. I go here just to clear my mind and relax, I come here to escape the reality of life and get lost in a life I wish I had. 

I read mostly up here, I sometimes write things or even draw. I also love to people watch, looking at people who seem to have a perfect life, looking at people that you wish you were and looking at people you wish you knew.

Everyday without fail a group of boys would sit by the tree. The group of boys who were at the back of the class. The group of boys who dirupted every lesson. They would sit together and just chat. They didn't seem to talk about anything interesting just who had the highest score on fifa and what time band practice was. 

Even I knew it!

Band practice was always between 8-9pm after they had finished dinner.

Currently Michael was top socrer on fifa.

I'd never been caught by any of them. Not once had they ever looked up to see me.

I was playing with the button on my jacket when I heard them talking about class. 'Wow luke we didn't realise you had it in you, you little heart throb' the curly haired boy snickered.

'Quick it ash' luke retaliated, quickly going back to texting on his phone. 'You honestly think I'd write that' he looked up to face the boys again. 'Copy and paste you fools!' he laughed showing his phone to all the boys with the website he'd acquired it from. 

'Woah, calum and I actually thought you were going soppy' michael replied, placing his hand on lukes hair and ruffling it up. Luke then continued to pat the droopy quiff back up. They sat there in silence looking out onto the desserted park.

'It's funny how no one ever comes here anymore' ash said, looking into the distance  'Do you think we're the only ones here?' he turned to the boys.

'Yeah I guess so' calum looked over to ashton whilst then going back to checking his phone. Luke was sitting right by the tree with his back leaning against the cold bark. He looked up, luckily not noticing me. 'Do you think anyone could get up there?' he asked the boys, pointing towards a near by branch. 

I laid low and started to make my way down the other side of the tree.

'Nah mate, no one would be crazy enough to go up there chill' michael sat next to luke and patted his leg.

'But dude, I swear I saw someone in the branch next to this one' Luke pointed to the branch I had been sitting on.

Little did I know, Luke had spotted me but none of the boys would ever believe him. And Luke didn't even know my name.

I'm sorry ok,

I'm having serious writers block like you have no idea, what should I do!!

 Comment what you think and what should happen next as it really helps me out!

Also pls vote, 10 votes and I'll put another chapter up!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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