PART I : By Luck

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Being sexiled from his own dorm was really annoying, but Baekhyun didn't really have any other choice but to drag himself over to the floor lounge and study there. Who even had time to have sex when the semester was nearing an end and finals were beginning the week after? It was just one of the things that Baekhyun didn't fully understand, but maybe it was because he was one of those kids who were solely intent on just studying and not so much on having an actual love life.

He prided himself in being a decent student, but like others, he was also prone to just wandering the internet and making fake shopping lists of things he didn't have money to actually buy. His financial economics homework was mind-numbing and aside from jamming lines of commands into the R-program, his brain needed an actual break.

As he was watching his third movie review video on Youtube, his eyes wandered upwards and noticed a text sent to him by Kyungsoo

[ Kyungsoo ] : Hey! Were you able to finish problem 4 of the homework??

Pausing his video, Baekhyun looked over the paper piles on his left before he responded.

[ Baekhyun ] : Yeah. It's pretty easy. What part did you need help on?

[ Kyungsoo ] : I just don't get the problem at all.

[ Baekhyun ] : Just solve for the Beta for portfolio A and B. It's basically just a linear line used as an indicator to predict future returns of investments. Just remember that the larger the Beta, the riskier the portfolio.

[ Kyungsoo ] : ....

[ Kyungsoo ] : So how do you do that, again?

Sighing, Baekhyun pulled out his phone and took a photo of his work (not that there was much to show). After sending the image over, he tried to explain the problem again.

[ Baekhyun] : Once you get it, you'll be set. Like I said, it's not that hard, but you should probably learn the concept behind it. I think our TA has notes on his website about it.

[ Kyungsoo ] : Alright. Thanks!

[ Baekhyun ] : Sure! Just let me know if you need anything else.

[ Kyungsoo ] : Kk

As he was beginning to close their conversation, he received another text from his friend.

[ Kyungsoo ] : Actually, what're you doing right now? Do you wanna come by the 24 hour lounge near the library and study with me?

The study area wasn't too far from where Baekhyun was. It was a little over five to seven minutes to walk there. Normally, he'd decline, but being in the dorm lounge was uncomfortable and he was still bitter about being sexiled by his roommate, so staying there really didn't do anything but make him slightly irritated.

Granted, it sounded like Kyungsoo hadn't been attending lecture recently to actually understand the homework, which was the easiest one thus far, but studying with him and being around someone else seemed like a much better alternative compared to watching cat videos alone.

[ Baekhyun ] : Yeah, sure. I don't mind. Just tell me where you're sitting. I'll be there in about 10.

[ Kyungsoo ] : Cool! See you in a few.



The 24-hour study hall was exactly like Baekhyun thought it'd look--crowded. There were a few open seats in between certains groups, mostly because it seemed like common courtesy to sit at least one seat away from other people. It only made Baekhyun's job of trying to spot Kyungsoo in the sea of dark-haired students harder.

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