Part II: It's a Date!

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Finals went by quickly, and the only thing on Baekhyun's mind after he walked out of his last exam was going home for the holidays and sleeping. Winter break was his favorite since it made staying in bed even more nice and fun.

"Got any plans for your break?" Baekhyun asked as the brunet packed his dirty laundry into a plastic bag before fitting into his suitcase. "Anything that doesn't involve just staying inside?"

"Then, no. I don't. I wish I didn't, actually." Heechul groaned. "My family wants to go up to a ski resort and spend my dad's birthday there. What about you?"

"I'm staying here. My parents wanted to spend vacation somewhere warmer, but I prefer to stay here where it's cold. I can't stand sweating."

"Relatable," Heechul replied. "I really don't care about skiing, but I like it enough."

There wasn't much inside since he had clothes and other things back at his parents' home, so it was nice that it wasn't too heavy to lug around. Once he was finished fitting everything in, Heechul zipped the bag. Rising up from the floor, he looked around one last time to make sure he had gotten everything he needed.

"I think that's about it..." Glancing at the clock on the wall, Heechul figured he had a lot of time to spare to get to the train station. Looking back at Baekhyun who had buried himself underneath his covers. "I'll see you later. Hope you have a decent holiday around here."

"Mhmm. Same to you. Bye!" Baekhyun said with his voice muffled by his duvet. "Happy holidays."



One of the things that made staying on campus during break better than going home was the obvious fact that there was barely any people around. Despite most student-run things being closed (like the video game room), Baekhyun found peace in the empty university gym.

For the most part, it was pretty much peace, minus Chanyeol talking to him because he was also staying behind.

"Hey, do you want to join an intramural sports team with me?" Chanyeol asked with uneven breath as he was finishing up at the bench with Baekhyun standing by the side as his spotter. "It'll be fun."

"What's intramural?" Baekhyun had an idea just by the word 'sports' by itself, but if there was one thing that he was definitely not that great at, it was exactly that. At most, he was average with it.

"Oh! You can make your own teams around the school and—" The bar was against his chest, forcing him to pause and finish before pushing it back out again. "You play matches."

"I never knew we had these programs here."

"They're pretty fun—Hold on. Spot me. I'm putting it back up."

Nodding, Baekhyun put his hands under the bar. "Got it."

It took a second, mainly because Chanyeol made it look so damn easy. Baekhyun's arms couldn't relate. Once the weights were safety back in their place, he took a step back and walked to the side as Chanyeol sat up. He rolled his shoulders, muttering about how they ached because he had skipped bench for a few days, and Baekhyun, in turn, nodded relating back to how sore his own legs would be if he didn't run every once in a while.

"But anyways, yeah. Intramural is just, I guess, a fun side activity. I asked Kyungsoo, but he said he'd get back to me on that," Chanyeol said, grinning up at Baekhyun. "Said sports wasn't really his thing, but he might. He was willing to try it out."

"What kind of team are you putting together?"

"Dodgeball, so it's not that physically intensive as something like soccer, but I think it's still challenging!" Chanyeol took gulp of water from his bottle before offering it to the latter. Shaking his head, Baekhyun politely declined. "I'm okay. Thanks, though," he said, putting a hand up. "But uh... I'll think about it—the intramural thing. It might be fun."

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