chapter 6

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~Percy pov~

Gaia face appear on the ground and she said" Hello omega, So you want to tear me to shreds don't you? Well you can't Cause I am a promidial and you are some little assassin from the God's But your ego is still quite big "

I look at and said " you may be a promidial But I am stronger than the gods because I have the blessing of chaos along with all the gods So I can destroy you and place another promidial in your place .So shut it dirt face."

At that second she disappear.

Just then Poseidon mind message me to go to his palace to discuss something.

~Poseidon pov~

I had heard Percy conversation with gaia and I am curious why he had chaos blessing..

So I mind message him to come to my palace.

Around two seconds later he appear and ask "father, why have you called?

And I Answer "I heard your conversation with gaia and I want to know How u get chaos blessing?"

Well Sorry for such short chapter will try to update more in the coming week provide I have time

Percy jackson , assasin of the godsWhere stories live. Discover now