(Y/N) was a normal girl with a normal life... that is until three guys broke into her cabin and ruined that peace! Now she walks the earth as a multi-colored, human craving, demon. Who knows what will happen next...
HOOOOOOI I is excited to right this chap for you guys I got a feeling it's gonna be a cute one. Also, I just wanna say that EJ is kinda... crazy for Fate? Idk Ps, I is super sowwy about no updates. :'3
¤Fate's POV¤
I carefully watch as my hands continued shrinking in front of me, I yelled for Jane to come here quickly and she did, but everyone followed her. Great. I didn't want the guys exactly seeing me as this... y'know looking like a FRIGGIN 7-YEAR-OLD! But oh well I guess it can't be helped.
They all looked at me confusingly as my back was facing them. I took another good look at my self with my phone then closely looked at my hand.
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(I wanted to make a scene drawing but it was too much to handle so I just did a pencil sketch)
This is annoying me greatly. I really didn't want to be 7 again when I myself am 18... this is so weird.
I don't know what brought me to do it but I started freaking out, saying things and expressing MANY emotions that I didn't think I could but at the end of it all when I was a panting mess all I could say was 'FOOD'.
Eventually, I only saw fuzzy colors as it slowly faded to black nothingness.
¤E.J.'s POV¤
We all sat there staring at Fate when she suddenly collapsed, it's an entertaining sight of seeing an 18-year-old girl have a panic attack and emotional break-down in the body of a 7-year-old. Really it is.
She kept mumbling the names of different foods in her sleep as we all stood around her waiting for someone to do something.
Eventually, Jane took the lead and picked up the girls limp body and set her down on the couch and went to the kitchen. Probably to get/make something for Fate.
¤Jane's POV¤
'Those guys are useless sometimes I swear' I thought as I left to the kitchen to find a few things. Recently she would make herself food out of the male meat she had, making hamburger's or taco's, probably to keep the last bit of humanity alive in some weird way.
Finally, I found the thermometer, pot and kettle, and ingredients for chicken noodle soup, and wash rag's (or whatever you wanna call it).
I ran some cold water on the cloth and went into the living room, wet cloth and thermometer in hand.
¤Fate's POV¤
'Cold.... what is that feeling of cold on me... it feels nice... hmm?... what's this?...' I slowly felt around my mouth as my eyes fluttered open revealing Jane standing over me with a worried expression.
"Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you up?" Jane asked quietly, I grunted a 'no' in response while trying to get up but immediately fell back down.
"I wouldn't try getting up right now. You need all the rest you can get." I nodded in response and soon after fell asleep
Wow, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER... I'm so sorry :'( school has kept me busy and super stressed out but ill post as much as I can.