Eddie Kaspbrak the Clown pt1~ Overdosing my pills

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(A.N, I'm so sorry that my drawing is on the opposite way!!! But enjoy Eddie's story by third-person point of view🤡🎈)

Eddie was born on 1975 in Derry, Maine. He never knew his father, he probably died of some type of cancer. Ever since Eddie's father left Sonia, she became very overprotective to Eddie so that never happens to him. So she gives him "medications" to make him feel "better". Eddie became insane later in the years since he's been overdosing those pills. Sonia felt scared for Eddie that she took him away to an asylum till he can feel "better".

Sonia was very worried for Eddie when he was at school. He found out that he was gay since the beginning of fourth grade. It became a problem for Eddie because he'll act feminine around the students that they decided to bully him. Ever since he was in kindergarten, Eddie had this thing when you get angry, your teeth become sharp like knives, the longest tongue you've ever seen and looking like you've been possessed. One thing that Eddie carried around him everywhere he went, even school, he would bring his hammer. His hammer was half red and half blue like a giant pill. People knew that if they messed with Eddie, he'll kill you with his hammer in one whack!

During his elementary years, Eddie became depressed, angry and insane that he'll overdose on his pills. The more he overdosed, the more crazier he became. This worried his mother that she wanted to do something better for her son. So she searched, and found a fancy asylum for young lads like Eddie. She decided to take him there so she can make him feel more "calmer".

The Asylum~1989

Eddie was screaming bloody hell in the asylum. He knew that he needed to go back to his mother, school, and pills. Men in white clothings were taking away Eddie to a rather large room. They threw Eddie on the ground and closed the door very fast before he can escape. Eddie started punching the wall furiously. Someone must here me. I need to get the hell out of here!!! Eddie thinks angrily in his head.

"We can't get out of here," someone mysterious said. The mysterious figure in the shadows appeared to be standing now and a childish voice.

"Who said that," Eddie questions to the mysterious figure? How does this person know what I'm thinking about? Or am I going insane again?!

The mysterious figure came out of the shadows to be a female. Apparently, she's holding on her left hand a pallet of makeup and the other a baseball bat. Her face seemed to look like a clown. She even dressed up like one too. Was she insane like Eddie?

"Nice hammer! How did you manage to bring that giant 'pill' in here," the girl asks in a very childish way?

"Before we get to that story, tell me about you and how you got here," Eddie says to make sure that she won't kill him with that bat of hers.

"Hi! I'm Beverly Marsh but you can call me Bev for short, that's what everyone calls me here. I'm fourteen y/o like you. I'm in a little group Bill made called the Losers Club. How I got in here, my dad walked in on me acting like a clown. He thought that I was cute in my costume and wanted to rape me. But luckily my bat was next me and BAM! I killed him in one wack," Beverly says excitedly like she's been waiting for this moment in years. Then she starts laughing like a maniac, probably about her father.

"Wait there's others," asks Eddie in confusion?

"Hell yeah, I'll show you them. But first, you'll have to look like a clown in order to meet them. It's a rule in the Losers Club. Is that fine," Bev questions Eddie in a confident tone?

"I've always wanted to be a clown my whole life, let's do it," Eddie says confidently.

After Bev makes Eddie a clown...

"Done," Bev says to Eddie.

She hands Eddie a little mirror she kept in her shirt pocket. Eddie looks at the mirror, surprised to see the new person Bev made. The white makeup is around his eyelids, a red nose and a sinister red smile where his mouth is, and two black triangles below his eyelids to make him look creepy.

"Do you like it," Bev asks?

"Do I like it? I live for it," exclaims Eddie with excitement!

"Now the only thing for you to look like an actual clown is a weapon and very fancy clothing. Well, you already have a weapon which is your hammer. Now you only need is fancy clothing, let's go through your suitcase," Bev excitedly says to Eddie.

"Let's see, you have this red tuxedo thing people wear in the circus. Put that on," Bev orders Eddie. She throws the tuxedo at Eddie's face.

Eddie forgot that there's no privacy in the asylum (for now) and took off his shirt like no problem, except that Bev was looking at his body.

"How did you get your six pack," Bev surprisingly questions?

"Let's just say I worked out too much when my mom wasn't looking," Eddie bravely says.

"Well none of these shirts match your tuxedo, so you'll just have to wear no shirt then," Bev sadly says.

"O-oh put these blue stretchy pants on and these boots on that have pills on them," Bev says while being confused with the pills on the boots.

"Oh the pills represent who I am. I overdosed my pills to make me insanely crazy. I hated my life and hated school mostly. Everyone bullied me because of my sharp teeth, very long tongue, acting feminine, and looking like I'm possessed when I'm angry," Eddie explains to Bev with a sad expression on his face.

"That explains why your hammer looks like a giant pill," Bev says while she's trying to make Eddie happy, which actually works. She actually makes him laugh. She happily thinks I made a new bestie who acts like a girl!!!!

"Are you excited to meet them or are you nervous," Bev questions Eddie?

"Are you kidding me? I'm never nervous, I'm very excited to meet them," Eddie confidently says, but he's pretty nervous to meet these new people. What if they bully me like the other kids from school? If so, this place would be hell for the rest of my life!!!

To be continued...🤡🤡🤡

[A.N, did you like this very long chapter? I'll probably do two or three more chapters for Eddie. I'm so sorry if this chapter is kind of cringy but I tried my best on this chapter👍. There'll prob going to be good stuff next chapter. Thanks for reading!!
~ Kitty (Kiarra❤🎈)]

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