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Let me start by saying this is my book. I type it how I want some things in this book will be true some with not.

India Pov

"Thanks for giving me a ride," My brother Shaun thank me getting out he car.

"Yeah when you gone get that car of yours fixed?"

"Soon, I promise," he grinned jogging into the old building.

My name is India Love Westbrook. I'm 21, have 1 older brother name Shaun and a Bestfriend named Ashanti.

I lived in Atlanta my whole life. Born and raised. I work as a model at Atl poses.

I glanced down at my phone to see that I got a text from Ashanti.

Shanti: Meet me at the mall Now

I rolled my eyes and made a U turn. Once I pulled up to the mall I walked in and saw her waiting on the bench.

"Hey girl," she smiled flipping her red lace front over her shoulder.

"Why are we here," I shook my head.

"Because you know that ya mans is having a party tonight," she said.


"So, we gotta go and we need shit to wear," she said.

"But he throws a party every week I-,"she cut me off and dragged me into forever 21.

"This looks cute on you," I said holding up a blue dress.

"Blue looks ugly on me and you know it," she sighed putting it back.

"I really don't wanna go," I pouted.

"I don't care what you want. I will drag you out of your house and into this party," she said swiping her card.

Our friend Jordan came in taking his shades off. "Wassup bitches," he smiled.

"Hey Jordan," I said giving him a hug.

"Wassup ugly," Ashanti said.

"Nahh what's ugly is that damn lace front. Haven't someone told you that red does not look cute on you? India boo why you let her go out like this," he sighed.

"Y'all don't start this mess," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Anyways where is that fine ass brother of yours," he asked as we walked to the food court.

"Selling like always," I rolled my eyes.

"We love a drug dealer hunny," he smirked dancing at the table as we sat down.

"I know dats right," Shanti said.

"When y'all asses get shot don't call me," I said shaking my head.

"Girl you know hood niggas got good dick," Shanti said.

"Honestly, and they are sexy as fuck," Jordan said taking a bite of his fries.

"Okay, can we stop talking about hood niggas," I chuckled.

"Have you Heard August is back in town,"Jordan said.

I spit out my drink a little.

"No, he would have told me," I said.

"Someone pull up Instagram," Jordan said.

Ashanti pulled out her phone and got the scrolling. She showed me the picture of him leaning on his car with the caption "Back in atl for good"

"Oh my gosh," I said reading it.

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