turns of life

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"Henry, get back here!" I yell for my brother.

"what was that, I couldn't here you" he yells back.

"Henry it's not funny, if mom catches us we'll be in big trouble" I yell chasing after him.

"relax moms not going to find out,  now come on, let's have some fun" he yells from the middle of the field.

I sigh, "fine"

"great, race you to the water fall" he then takes off sprinting, and I run after him.

He disappears into the tree line and a few minutes later I enter them as well, I'm a few feet from the clearing where the small water fall is, When I hear a splash. I roll my eyes and come threw the clearing at the edge of the pond.

When get there though, i don't see him any where. "Henry, your not funny" I laugh, but then I see him, floating on top of the water.

"I'm serious, stop playing around" he doesn't move and I panic.

"Henry!" I scream jumping in and draging him out.

I do everything I can to save him, but he won't breath.

That was three years ago, me and Henry were thirteen, he was my best friend.  Henry didn't die that night, but he almost did, he got brain damage from not having oxygen for so long,  the doctors say it's a miracle that he's still alive, but I still miss him.  I mean yeah he's still here,  but it's not the same.

I wish I could go to school with him like I used to,  and we could spend Saturday morning eating junk food and making fun of the newer cartoons. I wish that he would wake me up in the middle of the night go go on adventures with him, I even miss him embarrassing me in front of the guys I like,  but that version of him is gone, and there's nothing I can do about it.

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